Thursday, October 9th, 2003

Dear Kindergarten Families,

          We have continued our Fall (Autumn) unit this week as the word Harvest was introduced and we focused on the letter “Hh.”  Our centers have been “Hh” books, journal writing, practice in writing the numbers seven and eight and reading/writing number words zero through five, as well as the math curriculum center craft stick geometry (making shapes with 2 sticks, 3 sticks, four sticks and five sticks).  Next week we will begin talking more about leaves changing color, and there are many mini-projects I have planned to do with leaves after we take a nature walk to collect them.

          I am very excited to report that we are reading!!  Everyday we do a morning message where I write to the children and we read it together.  Many of them have volunteered and read it after reading it together as a class a few times.  We began “stretching out” words when we were learning how the words zero through five looked.  Many students can read these words.  We have also worked hard with color words by making a Scarecrow Colors book.  We know what each of these words look like too!  You should all be very proud.  Each of them are working so hard and being very successful as a result.

          Please be aware of the fact that there will be no school for the students tomorrow (Friday).  There is a teacher in-service.  

Questions to ask your child this week are the following:

1)     Can you tell me 3-5 things that begin with the letter “Hh?”

2)     Can you count backwards from 15?

3)     Can you count by tens to 40?

4)     Write down number words zero through five and see if your child can read them.

5)     Write down color words brown, red, yellow, blue, green, black and see if your child can read them.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Miss Schultz



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