Thursday, May 6th, 2004

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Our literacy centers this week have consisted of the following tasks. At the language center students completed the _an word family book, chose a recently studied word family word and used it to write a sentence and completed the cl blend word wheel. At the writing center students completed the journal prompt if I was a giant I would . . . and started writing a story. At the math center we practiced our addition and subtraction equations with sticks as well as built towers with blocks and measured the height and length. Our fourth center involved making a special Mother’s Day gift for you wonderful moms. On Friday, Mrs. Morley (Hunter’s mom) is coming in to do a couple science experiments with us.

Our safety week has gone well. We learned about personal safety on Monday, The coast guard visited on Tuesday and talked about boat safety, Wednesday was all about fitness and nutrition, today officer Fitch came to talk to us about bike safety and two students in our class won a brand new bike helmet! Tomorrow the Fire department is coming to talk to us about fire safety. We learned many important ways to stay safe and be healthy.

Miss Schultz's Main Page

I want to remind you of a couple upcoming events. Our fieldtrip to the Amber Elk Ranch is scheduled for Monday, June 7th. We will be leaving school at about 9:00. I have five parents signed up to go along. Anyone is welcome and you can pay that day at the ranch. All students are paid for and the cost for parent chaperones is $7.00. We will be having a picnic lunch and return to school at about 2:30. Also, Mrs. Smith will be putting on a Spring Sing that is scheduled for Wednesday May 26th at 7:00. Mark your calendars for these fun-filled, year-end events!!

Questions to ask your child this week are the following:

  1. What happened to the egg that was sitting on top of the container with vinegar? What happened to the egg that was in the container filled with vinegar? Were your predictions correct?
  2. Ask your child to read the words clock, clam and clip.
  3. Be sure to ask them about our safety week.

I want to wish all the moms a very happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy the weekend!


Miss Schultz