Water World

In Science we are reading about plant and animal adaptations. It seemed like fun to imagine how we would adapt to a whole new environment: living underwater!

Students wrote their stories and illustrated them with Kid Pix.

Water World
by Jared

"The world is going to be flooded in 30 days," said Mrs. Eldridge. I always have a dream that I am breathing under water. Maybe it is true. I hope it is.

Thirty days later… It is happening. I got prepared in the last thirty days. I put on my SCUBA gear as fast as I could

Under Water

I spotted my family. They had all of the food, but it was all sogy and wet. We were all most out of air and just then?


A giant shark came right behind me. I punched him in the nose hard as I could and knocked him out. You could see stars spinning around him.

Out of air

I checked my tank and it was empty. I could not breathe. My families were empty to.

Mermaids and Mermans

Then I took my helmet off and I tried breathing. I was able to breathe in the water and I said I guess my dream come true. My family tried breathing too. We all were able to breathe in the water. We were all mermaids and merman.

Hunting food

We stared hunting food we found a whole school of fish. We started eating the fish we caught. We really liked it.


We been swimming and we saw a city. Could it be Atlantis? It was I could not believe it and I could not believe what I saw?


There were hundreds of mermaids there. We thought of living there then we saw are cousins so we all decided to live there after all.

World Flood
by Jeremy

Late at the News at 10:00 I heard, the world would be covered up in water. They said that the glaciers are melting. A scientist said," People need to live in a giant air bubble." People said, "We should live in an under water cave." So they did it. My family chose an underwater cave.

Four weeks later they found the resource they needed. They made electricity with an electric eel. They would drain their power. Then they made light so then crops can grow. The people worshiped the electric eel for electricity. They lived like that for four years.

Then on the fourth year, they went back to the surface. Some people stayed behind, but most didn’t. If there was a flood again, they would go to the under water cave.

Water World
by Jessie

I found out that the world is supposed to be full of water. I found out when Mrs. Eldridge told me. So you should get use to eating fish and lobster all of the time.

One day I woke up and I was wet. I looked out my window and I was scared at first because I saw a huge pineapple in my back yard. But it was Sponge Bob. He was there so he could help me. He helped me get out of the flood. He got me out of the house. He took me to special place that had a dry spot. He took my family. We lived happily ever after.

Water Friends
By Nathan


One rainy day three friends road to school together. Their names were Jeremy, Todd, and Nathan. They lived in Onekama. They got to school and put their stuff in their lockers. Then went inside their classroom and sat down at their seats. Their teacher wasn’t there like all ways. All of a sudden a fish spashed into the room with a little water following close behind it. The fish jumped up into the teachers chair and morphed in to our teacher. We were so amazed our eyes were as big as apples!! Our teacher told us that the U.S.A was flooding with water. The ejipedtion good made the seas rise up and come down on us.


We went to the highest point of the school roof. The water was riseing to our neas already. Nathan’s dad and mom road up in his 80 foot boat and he opened the door and then we climbed in and then we saw the SS Badger. It docked by the school and all the classes climbed in even Nathan’s class got on. Except for Nathan, Todd and Jeremy. All of a sudden the rain stopped, we all cheered. A couple of days later our bout hit ground. The SS Badger was in Portage Lake and leaving. Our teacher morphed into a octopus and swam away and never came back.

Water World
by Nolan

I found out that water was going to cover North America in thirty feet of freezing water five minutes ago. Mrs. Eldridge told us to write a fasinating paper about it. The water would be coming from the cold ice water of Antarctica.

If water ever covered us my dad and I would make an electricle boat with a charger then we would put the charger in a tall building. When the water comes my family would be ready. We would get on the charged up boat and drive around. My mom would call a helicopter to take us to another country with all our stuff and we would be saved. Then the helicopter would go back and pick up everybody in the class and come back. Then we would make a school and mrs. Eldridge would start teaching again. When the water goes back to normal we will all get back on the helicopter and come back to Onekama. Then when I get back I will have a fun early summer vacation with my best buds Cam and Alan.


Adapting to Change
by Tommy

I was in a flood, because there's hole in the ozone layer, and the polar ice caps melted. Mrs. Eldridge told my class and me. I survived by living in a boat and with a fishing pole. I'd fish for lobster, fish, shrimp, octopus, sushi, and whale. Also, before the flood came I'd buy market food. If someone tried to catch a whale, they need wire for line. I should watch for a leaky boat, water pressure, and sharks. People need oxygen or they die. Some things you might need for oxygen is to find a sea cave or you can grow gills. When the polar ice caps froze the water level went down.

Water World
by Michael M

Pieces of glaciers were falling off the north and south pole. The glaciers are heading to the hot areas where they will melt so the sea level will rise and cause a flood. When the north and south pole melt it will cause the earth to be flooded, but Mount Everest will not be flooded. It will still have a tun of land left.

Thirty days latter the earth is flooded. We adapt by fishing for food supplies. We can not use the power of metal any more. Life is hard underwater. We use ells for power, or a Paddel wheel for power or a generator. We eat all kinds of fish.

I live on mount Everest. I think its funnier on land. There are only a few spots of land left on earth. People’s houses are made out of rubber so the water can not get in. We use hydro generator for are air. My house is made out of wood.

People transport by submarines, are boats, and some times by fish.

Melting Ice Caps
by Lauren

Well, the Polar Ice Caps are melting, and we are all going to die, at least I think. So I thought that I would start from the beginning. It was a weekday at school and suddenly in science class water started pouring in everywhere. Everyone was running and screaming.

Chapter 2 Mom, Nick, Pat, and Me

So we all swam home. I found my brother. He was swimming in front of me. We went in side, and everything was floating! We saw Mom and Pat my step dad packing and telling us to take only the things that we need. Since every thing was floating I saw a newspaper and read it. It said POLAR ICE CAPS MELTING! See page 11 for details, so I turned to that page and it said that the sun had been pointing at it for weeks, even months. Then my dog Mona came up to me and took the paper right out of my hands. She was playing with Ren my other dog. Then I got my stuff and we were off.

Chapter 3 Dad?

We have been swimming for days, and one morning when we were swimming I found my Dad. We were so happy! Now he was part of our group too. He told us that he had been looking for Jeannie, our step mom. When the Ice melted they went opposite ways because the water was flowing that way, and he had never seen her since.

Chapter 4 Swimming with the Fishes

We had brought scuba suits and oxygen tanks too. Also we had brought an extra one just incase so we gave it to Dad and we all swam down and swam with the fishes, it was so much fun. The fish were beautiful, so we stayed down there for a while. Then it was night so we went up and slept there for the night.

Chapter 5 living under Water

We are use to living out here now we have enough food and everything. Nothing has come close to us yet, because we have guns. Even our dogs enjoy it, because they have doggy scuba gear. Dad has found Jeannie too. We are just like one big family. We lived there for a long, long time till the end of our days.

Water world
by Logan

One day while I was in school I found out the whole world was going to be covered by water in thirty days. The teacher told us the polar ice caps were melting. We had to prepare for this disaster. We got to leave school until the disaster ended, if it will end. When I got home I told my Mom and my Grandpa. They already knew, my Mom was putting pontoons on the cars and my Grandpa was building propellers for the cars. We had all of the cars and boats ready by 6 a.m. this morning. After we all ate my brother got home from Manistee. He was buying all of the canned vegetables he could for $72.00. Grandpa said he was going to go pick all of the tomatoes and squash that he could out of the garden. I wasn't going to help him. I was going to go dig up worms for fishing. When I got done digging up worms I decided to go and put the worms in a large container. I had 361 worms. I put them in my tackle box. My tackle box smelled strongly with worms but it didn't bother me. I was rigging up my pole when my brother finally got done putting pontoons and a propeller on his car. He owned a 1986 Buick regal. I didn't think that pontoons would fit his car. I had gone almost 2 days straight without sleep. I had a terrible dream that evening. In my dream the world was already covered with water I was fishing, I liked to fish. I got a bite and then when fish was out of the water I noticed that it was huge. I got it up on the porch when it snapped my line. It jerked me so violently that I fell in. I didn’t hit the water though. I just kept falling and falling until I finally hit the water. I sprang out of bed, panting in a wild excitement. When I finally stopped panting I looked at the calendar. I didn’t even know what day it was anymore. Looking at the calendar didn’t help at all. I didn’t think I would survive. Then I heard it; water came rushing through all of the open windows. I heard my Grandpa yelling, I was closing windows as fast as I could. Time rushed into a hazy blur while we were running in pandemonium, closing windows, gathering our family, finding pets, and saving the meat and vegetables from being washed out of the house. My mom ordered me to grab a kettle and start trying to get water out of the house. The water was coming in too fast though. I could hardly keep the water inside the kettle. Let alone dump it out the only open window. As I looked out the window I wondered where the beautiful sunrise had went and why the Earth was punishing us. My kettle had slid across the floor while I was thinking of better things. I fell out the open window. My grandpa tried to save me but I was gone. Then I woke up; confused I looked out the window, no water. I turned on my small TV, no more countdown to the time the world would cease to exist. I only thought of one thing. The wave that had swept me out of the window. I shouldn't have eaten those burritos before bed.

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