The question is, "Can we separate water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity?"

Our team was the 1st to conduct electricity. We did very well. I am now very interested about how electricity can split compounds. ... Cameron

When the elecric current was not flowing, bubbles stopped coming out. We had evidence that electricity can seperate compounds. The compound was H2O. We separated it into H and O. ...Nolan

I think hydrogen produced more bubbles. It was on the negative side of the battery. Hydrogen is less heavy than oxygen. ...Brooke So

If I wanted to know whether it would work without baking soda I wouldn't add baking soda and I would have everything else the same. I would see if hydrogen or oxygen came out. That is how I would do it. ...Duane

In my team I was the taper, Paul was the wire person and Brooke was the battery person. ...Tim

The oxygen was produced at the end of the pencil in the water. ..Paul

Our team worked together on this experiment. We put together all the wires and pencils and equipment. I had fun doing this experiment. ...Maeve

The bubbles were forming on the pencil tips I think the positive side of the battery made oxygen bubbles. ...Lauren

First it did not work because it wasn't connected to the graphite of the pencil. Then it did work. ...Alan

Our group was the first to conduct electricity. We got all our wires attached. Then it was letting a lot of bubbles come to the surface. ...Malana

More bubbles were coming up from the - side. + was oxygen and - was hydrogen. It would not work without baking soda. ...Taylor

We did all the work, but we forgot to use the baking soda. Our experiment did not work. ...Lexi

We forgot to add the baking soda and it did not work. ...Yumi

I thought the experiment was really cool. First it didn't work and then it worked. We could try and see if it worked without baking soda. It probably would not work. Or maybe it could work. ...Jared

When the electric current was flowing bubbles were coming from the lead. When the electric current was not flowing nothing happened. ...Jeremy

At the Negative point there were more bubbles so that was the hydrogen. I think this experiment was great. It was very educational. ...Logan

It was fun when it worked. It was a real hard experiment to do. ...Ryan


This experiment was conducted Thursday, November 13. Comments were taken from the students' lab sheets.

Thank you for the baking soda, Mr. Keith.

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