We were pleased to have Grace Mowika
of Tanzania tell us about her country.


This afternoon Madam Grace Mowika talked about her continent and also showed us pictures. The pictures were from 1994. After that we asked questions. She told us one of their flags colors and what they meant. The colors are black, blue, yellow, and green. Black means people. Blue means water. Yellow means minerals. Green means natural vegetation. In Africa the students call their teachers Mwalima.

Their main language is Swahili. The way she was talking sounded like she had an accent. But I could still understand what she was saying. She said some words different. I am glad she came to our school.


Madam grace told us many things. The thing I liked most was when she was showing us the animals and people on the slide shows. It sounds like the people in Africa have it a lot harder than us in America. It also sounds like that Africa has more wildlife than in America. I was very happy and thankful that Madam Grace came to talk to us about their cultures and ways of life.

I thought it was very cool about the four colors of the Tanzanian flag and what they mean. The four colors are black, yellow, blue, and green. Black stands for the people. Yellow stands for the minerals like gold. Blue stands for the many oceans and lakes in their country. And green stands for the vegetation in their country.

I am very glad that Madam Grace came to visit our classroom. She started us off by asking us about geography and what we know about our country. It was very interesting when Madam Grace came and talked to us.


Madam Grace came in today to talk to us about Tanzania. I learned a lot from her like how they get water. In Tanzania the people have to walk many miles to get water. Then they balance the water on their head and hold two buckets in their hands to walk home.

They have very many animals too. Some are the giraffe, swan, monkey, and snake. She also brought in slides. There were pictures of people doing work like taking rocks out of rice and people were walking the street. The schools have uniforms. They have to wear white tee shirts and blue skirts or pants depending on gender. Madam Grace was very interesting, but she didn’t speak English very clearly.


Tanzania is a country in Africa known for its minerals such as Tanzanite. They are also known for exotic animals such as lions, elephants, hippos, giraffes, and many other creatures.

Still Tanzania has a few problems. For one thing they are a poor country. They don’t have all the electronics we do. Another problem is that they have natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and plagues such as malaria. This is why Tanzania is unique.

Return to fifth grade page for 2003-2004

By Yumi

Today a guest speaker came into our class by the name of Madam Grace Mawika. Madam Grace told us the four colors of the flag, and what they represented: Black represented the people, Yellow represented tanzanite, diamonds, gold, and cobalt, Blue represented water, and green represented natural vegetation. Those are the colors of the flag. And did you know the second largest mountain is located in Tanzania. The mountain is called Mt. Kilimanjaro. The only place in Tanzania where you can see ice is at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

The capitol of Tanzania is Dar-es Salaam. Dar-es Salaam is the place where Madam Grace Mawika lives. When Madam Grace came into the classroom she told us about Tanzania. She showed us lots of pictures on the slide projector. The first thing that showed up on the slide projector was the animals and pictures of here town. I also heard that the only time Tanzania went into war was in

1979. They had the war because they wanted to keep their land. They are a very peaceful place now. I am glad Madam Grace came and I wish she could come again.


Today a woman from Tanzania came to our came to our school. Her name was Madam Grace Mowika. She told us about the things in the country. She told us about the second highest mountain in the world. This mountain is called mount Kilimanjaro. She said it was the only place in Tanzania you would ever find ice. Their flag has four colors black, blue, yellow, and green. I had a lot of fun learning about Tanzania.

She talked about some of the in animals Tanzania. There were elephants, lions, monkeys, and snakes. She showed us the animals on a slide projector. Some of the pictures were blank. A lot of the pictures had stuff on them though. She showed us some of the cities in Tanzania. She showed us the capitol of Tanzania Dar-es Salaam. I learned a lot about the country Tanzania.


Today we had a guest speaker from Tanzania. Their first language is Swahili, and their second is English. In Tanzania they don't have daylight savings time.

Tanzania has a variety of animals. They have cats such as lions and tigers. They have hyenas and giraffes too. Tanzania has a lot of animals.

Tanzania has a flag to it has four colors. Black stands for the people. Yellow stands for the minerals such as Tanzanite. Green stands for natural vegetation. Blue stands for the bodies of water.

Madam Grace taught us a lot. It was fun having her here. My favorite part was when she showed us the slide show.
