Philanthropy Unit: Rivers for the Common Good

We began by studying the effects of water pollution on the quality of life. We read what pollution does to a river, and we observed what pollution does to the water table. We created a water table and "polluted" it with dye.

We read about the Nashua River in a book and on the Internet. We wrote letters to protest pollution.

Dear People,

The Nash-a-way River is in trouble! I want to preserve the river. I want the river to be how it used to be clear and shiny. I want to be able to see the pebbles at the bottom.

The river was polluted by the factories that dumped dye from dying paper, and they dumped sewage in the river too. Now it is the color of the dyes and it has a very bad stench

There is no wild life that lives in or by the river. Please help save the river for the common good.



Dear People,

The cause of the river pollution was the factories putting dye into the river. Another cause was sewage. People kept dumping sewage into the river instead of cleaning it first.

The steps that were taken to clean the river was that the people who lived by the river told other people to clean it up. They wrote letters to the government and to the factories. They started to clean up the river. The laws made it so the river would stay clean.



Dear People,

If you stop some of the dumping by the factories it will help the common good. It will let you swim and fish in the water. That will bring back people and animals will come back. Then you will get a population. That is one of the reasons to get the pollution out of the water.

If you make a machine that can get rid of the pollution that is great. Or put good chemicals to make the water clean. Then you could make laws about littering the water and land. If you do that you will have a better place.

Your friend,


Dear People,

I think for the common good Nashua River should not be polluted. The pollution is effecting everything. It is effecting the animals and the plants. It can kill the animals and plants. If it is polluted people can't go swimming or fishing

Sewage and factories are causing the pollution. Washed away wastes were causing it. Pulp and dye was dumped. Fiber was also dumped in the river. I do not like this water pollution. I want it stopped.


November 2003

Cleaning the Nashua River

The first step in cleaning the Nashua River is that people protested to politicians. Finally they convinced the government to make factories build plants to process the waste. They made the factories stop dumping. This was the first step.

Finally new laws were passed. Then people started taking care of their river. Over years the Nashua's current cleaned the old pollution from the river. Now it is clean.

Cleaning the Nashua River

The first step that was taken to clean up the river was to talk to everybody in town. Marion went to town and talked to everybody. She told them the Nashua is not a river any more. it is a big smelly sewer. She told them that people and factories were polluting the river. It used to be a clean river, but now it was just a smelly sewer.

The next step was to make new laws for the common good. Marion kept telling people to stop. She went on and on until they stopped. Then the Nashua River slowly became a river with pebbles on the bottom.

Cleaning the Nashua River

One of the causes that started the pollution in the river is that people were dumping their wastes in it. There was toilet paper everywhere. You couldn't go past it without gagging. There were people holding up signs saying, "Hold Your Nose! Naashua River Ahead."

Another cause of water pollution was the factories. I thought they could control the pollution, but the water got so bad it didn't have any fish. Even kids wanted to help clean the water.

Kids in Oregon Clean a River
Brooke Ann

Kids in Oregon asked the government to put together a study of the slough they thought was polluted. Then some scientists helped them see what fish to look for. They helped them study fish to see if they are still good to eat. They helped study the water and tell how it is polluted. The kids did all this for free. That's how they helped scientists work for the common good.

The Trial of the Once-ler was the final lesson of the Philanthropy Unit Rivers for the Common Good. Students used what they had learned about pollution and the common good.

The Lorax Mock Trial
Brooke Ann, Prosecuting attorney

I think that the Lorax should have rights to tell people not to cut down the Truffula trees. The Lorax had a point. I've seen a lot of animals living there. Almost all the animals depended on the Truffula trees. They eat the truffula fruits, and they need the shade of the Truffula trees. The Once-ler cut down all these trees. He destroyed the habitat for these animals. He polluted the air with his factory smoke. He polluted the water with the gunk from his factory. He killed many animals by his pollution. I think everyone will agree with me. The ONCE-LER NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED.

(Excerpt from the Lorax Trial)

Homepage for 5th Grade 2003-2004