March 5, 1849
One of the families in a different wagon in our train has experienced death for the first time. Mrs. Parkinson's three-year-old son fell out of the wagon and hit his head on a rock. I watched it happen. We are going to go out hunting. Hopefully we get a deer. We need food and water badly. ·Logan

March 2, 1849. I applied for a job on the Oregon Trail . I applied to be a scout. I can't wait until we leave.
March 6, 1849. I shot a buffalo today. I shared some of the buffalo with the other wagons. Met an Indian. He wanted to trade. He wanted my horse. I said, no, but thanks. ·Michael M.

 We headed for Oregon City on the Oregon Trail yesterday. I was surprised because I saw a lizard. I wish you could have come with us. I miss you very much and I will write you again soon. Well, how is your dog Ticky? I sent a treat for him in the envelope. I hope you write back soon. ·Ashlie

On the trail we saw graves. One said, "died because of a rattlesnake bite". We also saw Indian Tribes. We saw buffalo on the trail too. We also traded with the Indians. We saw waterfalls and we saw the Oregon Mountains. We are really close to being at our new home. I am really excited to get there. ·Jeremy

Journal Writing is Part of the Oregon Trail Experience
My name is Zach and I am 10. I'm traveling to the Oregon Trail. Jeremy, Mom, Dad and my brother are coming with me. Everybody is in my family except Jeremy. Jeremy's my best friend. That's why he is coming with me. We mostly saw plains and fields and some buffalo today. We also saw mountains. I just wonder how great Oregon can be. Going through rain, storms, hot fields and being really tired. I like to go fishing a lot. But fishing is not my favorite thing. My favorite thing on the trail is watching all the animals. There was a buffalo stampede the other day but nobody got hurt. ·Zach


 We are on the trail. We have been on the trail for two weeks now. My Pa says we have enough supplies to last us. At least that's what he thinks. My brother thinks we are just going on a trip. Plus he doesn't know it is a dangerous thing we're doing. I was getting tired of riding in the wagon so I jumped out with Annabell and Rachael and Ginger my best friends. My other best friend is John but he is helping his Pa. He does that because his Ma died from Cholera. When she did we felt very bad for John and his Pa. She died right before we went on the trail. She was sick for only two days. We didn't think she would die, but she did. ·Taylor

Right now we're at Chimney Rock and luckily the people aren't sick any more. We still have miles to go, and yesterday I went hunting with the double baral shotgun. Today we saw our first Indian. At first I never knew who he was. Then he came over here and taught us how to fish.  ·Jared

May 9, 1844. I just got done gathering buffalo chips when a big black spider jumped onto my hand and tried to bite me. I screamed and shook him off and ran home with no buffalo chips to make a fire. Ma asked me what happened but I was too tired from running all the way home for ten minutes. ·Yumi 

 Tuesday, April 5, 1851,  Started on the trail today. We got a steamboat and went to Independence. One wagon train needed a mountain man. I volunteered for the trip. We started to get supplies. The next day we started on the trail. We are off to a pretty good start. ·Michael S.

Today my dad was hunting and accidentally shot my mom, but she's still living. I shot an elk and the elk bit my dad. My mom shot a moose and it charged me and I broke my legs. It's pretty dangerous out here!  ...Tommy

 I am riding with Karie, Ginger and Captain Michael. April 22 some people got a  bad cold and Jesse's wagon broke down. Jesse has to ride with me. W e found a herd of buffalo and we all went hunting.   While I was there Indians wanted to trade bacon for beads so we did trade. One said, "Come with us to our tribe." When I got there the children told me to play a game called Cat's Krattle. ·Todd Today I was told to go look for wild berries. As I found some I took the wrong trail and got lost. I wandered around trying to find the trail but instead an Indian found me. He took me to his tipi. At that moment I knew the way Indians lived and dressed and worked. Ma and Pa went looking for me and found me there. They thanked them very much and we left. ...Maeve
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