FCA's for December 10, 2003
  1. Using the topic "My Pet", write a descriptive essay with three or more paragraphs. Include words that appeal to the senses. (One full page) 60 points
  2. Include one appositive sentence. 15 points
  3. Correct grammar, sentence structure, capitals, punctuation 25 points
  4. A photo of you and your pet would be a nice addition. (We will add the photographs to this page as them come in. --hopefully we will have them all by the end of January.)

My cat Spike and dog Connor

My dog’s name is Connor. My cat’s name is Spike but we call her Spikie.

Connor is a yellow lab, he has greenish brown eyes and he is 7 years old. I think we got him when he was 2 or 3. Connor is a pig. He begs for any kind of food if you have it. Whenever he wants to go outside he will stand next to you and pace back and forth until you let him outside, and when he wants inside he makes a sad face.

My cat, Spike, is black and has some white on the front of her neck and on her stomach. I think she is 15 or 16 I don’t really know. My Mom and Dad got her before they were even married. When Spike wants outside or if she wants more food she will have a high pitched meow. Then she will sit outside by the door and start meowing again until you let her inside.

Now you know about my dog Connor and my cat Spike. They can be annoying and sometimes they can be cute too.

My Dog Tasha

My dog, Tasha, is 9 years old. We got her when she was a puppy. Tasha is a girl. She is a husky. She has blue eyes. She has gray, black, and white fur. She always sleeps out side. Even in bad weather.

Our neighbor had a golden retriever and they got married. She had around 12 puppies. We kept one and we named it Moly. 1 month latter it got ran over by a semi. When we saw Moly dead on the road, my mom and sister began crying their eyes out.

Sometimes Tasha smells pretty bad. Sometimes she smells good. She smells good when she runs a lot.

Usually when we have company she barks wild. She growls when we go near her when she is eating.

When I feel her she feels really soft. It feels like I want to sleep on her and sense she’s so soft I want to squeeze her to death.

That’s my dog Tasha, and I would not know what I would do with out her.


I have a ginypig named Charley. We got him at Meijer. There were two of them but we just wanted one. When I saw him he was a reddish color. He was a long hair ginypig. He sounds like a pig squealing. He is around one foot long.

Sometimes my pet can do interesting, is to know who I am. He is smart when we give him food. He will walk around the house all by him self. Sometimes he can be crabby. Sometimes he does a dance. When somebody else pets him he tires to bite him. Charley is brave because he tries new things. Charley is cute when he closes his eyes.

When he makes a nose it sounds like he singing. He likes to hide in people’s hair. He does not like the sunlight. Sometimes he licks the salt lick. He also likes to explore around houses. He watches television. Sometimes he hides on me. He likes the warm heat. It’s easy to take care of him. He is around one year old. When he is good we give them more hay. He likes cold water. He also likes dire fruit. He also likes pellets. He was never sick.

If I did not have Charley,I would not know what to do. That is what my ginypig does.

My Dog Harley

My dog Harley is hyperactive. He is two and still small, but when he stands on his hind legs he is as tall as me. He is sort of a chocolate lab. His mom was a golden retriever and his dad was a chocolate lab.

I got my dog when he was a tiny puppy. My mom and dad got him for me and my sister. He was so tiny he could fit behind our couches. He was so small you could pick him up. But that was when he was a puppy.

Harley now has three legs. It all started one and a half years ago. It was Christmas and Harley was outside. When he came in his leg was paralyzed. After a month he got it amputated. His leg was bandaged. He didn’t seem to mind, but now he is as good as new. He can run faster with three legs than he did with four. When we let him out at the bottom of our hill he can keep up with the car. If my mom and dad didn’t get Harley I don’t know what I would do.

My Dog Shady

My dog, Shady, is really white, and is almost as old as me. My dog is a medium size dog. She likes to fight with my cat, but the cat usually wins. Shady likes most food except sugar food.

One time we brought my dog camping because we wouldn’t be back for a week. She was making my mom mad. So she said go lay down. Then she went and layed down on my mom and dads bed. My mom was still mad.

My dog likes to go into the woods in our back yard and gets all muddy. In the summer we have to wash the mud off her legs to let her in. If my brother and I go in the woods she tells us to bring the dog because if we get lost or we have to come back she will call the dog and we will follow the dog back.

I don’t remember getting my dog but I remember going to see her brother’s and sisters. My dog and I are about the same age. I don’t know what I’d without my dog. My whole family loves our dog a lot.

By Ashlie

My bird Sweetie is a boy. He is blue, yellow, black, and white. I got him from the Manistee pet shop. Sweetie is a parakeet. Sometimes Sweetie chirps pretty loud. One time Sweetie landed on a curtain pole in our house. When he started to land he fell behind the curtain. Then Sweetie peeked his head out of the curtain. I think it was pretty cute when Sweetie peeked his head out from the curtain. I am glad I got Sweetie from the Manistee pet shop.

When I went to get Sweetie there was a lot of birds to choose from. But my dad said that I could either get two Finches or one Parakeet. So I decided I wanted a Parakeet. I looked at all of the colorful Parakeets and I picked Sweetie. So the bird lady got Sweetie and clipped his wings. Then the lady put him in a box and we paid for our stuff and went home. I am glad I picked Sweetie as my pet.

When we got Sweetie home we put paper towel in the bottom of his cage. Then we put up bars for him to stand on. Next we put millet, water, and bird food into his cage. The last thing we did was put Sweetie in his cage. To hold the millet we had a pink thing that hangs on the top of his cage. The pink thing had two bells on it. Then if Sweetie eats millet we would know. I am glad Sweetie is happy at his new home.

I like my bird very much. I hope I will not have to give him up.

My Cat

I got my cat, Smokey, because someone was giving him away. If we didn’t take him he would of got shot. When he came he was afraid of every one in the house, but when once my dad gave him food he wasn’t afraid of my dad anymore. Smokey is not allowed to go outside. He was kinda small when we got him.

He is cute because when he goes in the living room he lays in the sunlight. On the kitchen floor he lays on the ground and streches out. He likes to go in the living room and sit in the window cile. On Christmas he likes to play with the ornaments on the Christmas tree. He sometimes times breaks them. When he goes in the garage he rolls around in the sand on the floor. Once when my mom came home Smokey’s tail got caught in the garage door so we had to wrap is tail up.

Smokey is very soft he used to have flees but when we got him we got them to go away. When you blow on his hair it makes it look a big meteor hit his hair and mad a crater. He is kinda fat. I really like my cat Smokey. I am glad we got him.

My Dog Max
By Michael S.

This is all about my Border Collie. His name is Max, and he is really, really nice.

Max is really fast. He is some times clean , and he is some times dirty. He really like his super toy, ball, chow toy, and his string ball. He likes his bones too. His birthday is on October 1. His anniversary is the day before Thanksgiving. He really likes our family, and now he is part of it.

We got Max on the day before Thanksgiving. When we first saw him in my dad’s arms he was shaking like crazy. When he came home with us he was really nice, and he cheep licking me. Now he is a big dog, and he is one year old. That’s how we got Max my dog.

Max my dog likes a lot of stuff. He likes his string ball. He likes his ball. He also likes his super rubber toy. He does not like his chew toy much. That’s what my dog likes.

My dog is the best is the best dog I ever had. He is the only dog I ever had too.

My Cat, Sam
By Logan

I have a cat and a dog. I am going to write a paper on my cat though. My cat is black, white, and brown. He is very fluffy and soft. He likes me (kind of) but doesn’t like getting petted to a lot by me.

Once my cat was lying on the dryer and my mom closed the dryer door

and turned it on to dry clothes (duh that is what you do with a dryer) luckily there were clothes in there or he would be dead. When she opened the door he shot out scaring my mom half to death.

My cat hisses a lot and I do not like it. If you pet him too much he will bite you. He doesn’t like people he doesn’t know unless they pet him a little bit. That is one of the many things that are annoying that he does. I like my cat though.

I like my cat a lot. He is a part of my family. He is kind of annoying but I think he is cool (in a way). Sam, my cat, is very strange.


My Dog Buster

My dog, Buster, was a Boston Terrier. He was black and white. His fur was really smooth. He didn’t really have a smell unless he got in the garbage. He had long ears. He was kind of small.

My dad got him on his birthday. My grandparents got him for my dad. They got Buster for him because my dad had a dog like that when he was young. I am very glad my grandparents got us that dog.

He liked to unwrap presents. He also liked to play sports. Another thing Buster liked to do was go sledding. He would sleep on the couch and watch football games. He would also run around and play with my dad. He was a very playful dog.

I miss my dog Buster. He died two years ago in April. He lived to be four years old. He also got sprayed by a skunk twice in those four years. The reason he died is because he got run over by a truck. He had a very good life in those four years I think. I miss my dog Buster very much.

Winnie the Pooh
Brooke Taylor

Winnie the Pooh, is a good cat. Winnie the Pooh is the color orange and white. He is a boy and has dark brown eyes. He is a inside cat and a outside cat to. Winnie the pooh loves to catch some small things like a mouse or small birds. He is blind in one eye but he can still see well. Pooh bear would not hurt anybody. He has long hair and it is really soft. I got Winnie the pooh because my aunt cat had kittens. That is some stuff about pooh.

Some things he did that I thought were funny and scary. Once he was laying on my mom’s book when she was doing work. He would not move so my mom had to do her work with a cat on her book. Something scary was when he got bit by a bobcat threw his head and his eye. It was on a stormy night. We had to take him to the vet office. The vet took care of him and he was ok. He has a mark on his head and his eye. Those are some funny and scary things he did in his life.

Winnie the pooh gets along with the dog well. When we had my other dog they did not get along. He would start to bite pooh and he would start hissing. Susie does not bug the cats she just plays with them but sometimes she hurts him. They mostly get along if the don’t fight. I am glad they get along well.

Winnie the pooh is brave I would say because he has been threw a lot. He had to find his way home in a storm with his eye bleeding. He also had a little hole in his head. He had to wait about 30 minutes till we got to the vet. That is why I think my cat is very brave.

Winnie the pooh can get annoying because he will not leave you alone. Like when you are sleeping he will make you move over so I can’t sleep. He will lay on my pillow and don’t have a pillow then. I will make me feel like he wants to be next to me. I will not get mad at him or kick him off or hurt him that would be mean. Sometimes when it is cold out I do like him to sleep next to me but it can be really annoying.

I love my cat a lot I would never get rid of him for a million dollars ever.

My Cat Tiggley
By Brooke Ann

My cat ,"tiggley", is very soft and fluffy. We got him from my Aunt Di. He has a lot of fur. He is grayish black and white. His eyes are green.

When he is happy he purrs really loud. He gets a lot of attention. When he is really mad he hisses. When he is playful he pounces on your feet when you’re walking. He is really funny.

He likes boxes. If you walk past a box and he’s in that box, he will jump at you. We save our boxes for him. His favorite thing to do is find a box to hide in.

At Christmas he climbs our Christmas tree. He opens the gifts with his back claws. He has his own stocking. He gets his own gifts. Christmas is a bad time to have him.

That’s what my cats like.

By Ashley

My dog Bear is as black as the night. He is really shiny. He’s a Husky, Labrador, and Retriever. I got on the Internet to look at some dogs and I saw him. So the next day when I got home he was there. When he lies down he is really long! But he is skinny. He’s a medium size dog.

Bear plays way to ruff, but what do I expect he’s a big puppy. Bear is a big dog. He always jumps on the bed. He’s so cute. He always ends up eating my shirt or socks. He even nibbles on on our fingers, and even on nibbles on people’s fingers. He fetches balls too. Some times he looks confused. He turns his head half and looks funny.

Bear always jumps on people. He’s just so weird. I swear when ever he has has a chance he’ll run off. He’s really nice, and kind. My dog is extremely huge. Some times he just gets on my nervous.He always has to go to the bathroom. Bear always wants to go outside,he loves the woods. Sometimes he’s lazy.

I’m so glad my parents got him from the Humane Society. I don’t know what I’d do without him!

My Two Dogs

My two dogs, Ren and Mona, are good dogs. Ren is small, cute, white, and has a small pinkish black nose. Mona is a medium sized dog. She is cute, mostly white with pumpkin red spots, and she has freckles all over her. She also has a pink nose with freckles on it.

Both of my dogs are fun, energetic, playful, and fast. They are also loving, friendly, and like kids. They are so cute I love them.

When I dogs, Mona and Ren, feel soft .I always pet them when I get home, and When I do get home Mona whines a really high-pitched whine and yipes a lot. My dog Ren barks a lot sometimes he barks when nothing is even there.

Ren and Mona do really cute things. Sometimes Ren lies upside down on the bed with his head hanging of the edge, and Mona stretches out and crosses her paws in front of her. I love my dogs.

I don’t know what I would do without my dogs. They are the best, and I love them.


I have a dog named Bear. Bear is my only pet. I really Like my pet. The reason why I like my pet is because he is fun to play with and he is cute. The only part that I don’t like doing is going all of the way out into the field and giving him food and water.

I still like to play with him when I go out there to the field and giving him food and water. Sometimes he jumps on me but I still love him. He is my favorite dog nomater what. My dog is bigger than I am. I don’t care how big he is though.

When I got my dog I knew that we where going to be good friends. My dog has very soft fear. I love my dog. My dog is very cool. I think that he is the best dog in the word.

My dog Mocha

My dog Mocha is a pure breed Chocolate lab. She is very smooth and soft. When she barks, yelps, or yips she is very annoying. When we give her a bath every once and a while she smells very good. Her fur is reddish-brown. When Mocha was only three years of age my mom taught her how to shake, play dead, and give highfives.

My dog Mocha has a big crush on my best friend Duane Tiefenthal. Duane lives on the same street as me so Mocha gets to see him everyday. Duane and I made a fort in my grand pa’s barn, and whenever we go up there Mocha follows us. When Mocha doesn’t get to see Duane she wines and moans. Once Mocha almost broke through the screen-door to see Duane.

We got our dog on my sister’s birthday. We got her for $50.00 from a lady in Manistee. If we didn’t have Mocha we wouldn’t know what to do in this world.

My cat Mya

My cat Mya was from a lady that would leave her alone, and she would sit in the next door lady’s rocking chair, on her porch. My cat has crossed eyes and has cream colored fur. When I got my cat she was very scared under my grama’s bed. When Mya met our dog Katie, she hissed at her a lot, and then she just got over it, so now my dog and cat are friends.

Mya, my cat, smells like fresh air, because she is always is outside. Mya feels like a fluffy pillow like you can lie on it. My cat and I communicate with my cat by sound like meow and purr. My grama and I always know when Mya wants something or needs something.

Mya is so cute when she comes in from outside. Mya likes tom play with string and she gets kind of treat on the weekends. Mya, my cat, is sometimes mean when there is another cat in the house. Mya likes to sleep in my grama’s bed, when she has to get there energy to go back outside.

My Dog Jib

My new dog name is Jib Cooper. Jib is a chocolate lab. Jib is cute like flowers. She is only a month old.

A friend of my Dad got us Jib. She feels soft like pillows. She smells like roses from the garden. Her bark sounds like a puppy.

I am happy my Dad, Alex Cooper, got me a puppy on Thanksgiving. She is strong enough to carry 7pound sticks. When she breaks the sticks, she makes a big mess. Jib loves me and I love her.

Jib might do things wrong like knock a vase on the floor. She should do things right. Every night she moans to go to the bathroom.

Jib is a nice dog when you get used to her. Some people think she is boring. She bites when she does not know someone. Jib likes to chase cats and birds too.

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Fifth Grade Homepage for 2003-2004