Fifth Graders Write D.A.R.E. Essays

D.A.R.E. Essay


Through the past weeks I have learned a lot. I have learned that there are many drugs that can harm you if you take them wrong. There are also many people and companies that want you to take them. They bribe you through advertisements and peer pressures. I have also learned about violence and why it’s so bad.

There are five types of peer pressure. Positive pressure which is good because it’s friends helping you. There is also indirect pressure which are people telling you where to get drugs without mentioning them. There is also teasing where people for instance calls you chicken if you don’t do drugs. Another one is heavy where people bully you to take drugs. And the last peer pressure is friendly where they kindly offer you drugs. There is also personal pressure where you tell your self to take drugs but that’s not a peer pressure.

I, Nolan, pledge never to take drugs wrongfully and to never use violence. I know what drugs and violence can do to others and me if I use them. I have learned a lot about drugs, and violence, and how to handle them. D.A.R.E. has really helped me make good decisions. I have had lots of fun in D.A.R.E. and I’ve learned a lot.

D.A.R.E. Class


The D.A.R.E. program teaches us not to do drugs. I learned not to smoke because it is Bad for your body and causes health problems. Drinking causes drunk driving. People should Not take unnecssary drugs.

We learned that smoking causes black lungs. Smoking causes memory loss. Drinking and driving will cause danger to other people driving.

I learned that drinking while driving will cause jail time. Marijuana is illegal but still sold all over the country. Older people influence younger children by trying to get them to drink and do drugs.

If some older kids ask me if I want some beer and cigarettes, I will just say no. I want to hand out with kids that make good choices. Marijuana is bad for my health and I am not going to smoke it.



This year in D.A.R.E. I learned that from just staying away from the places where people do illegal drugs you can keep yourself healthy and you don’t get into trouble. When you don’t smoke or hang around people who do smoke, you can stay healthy because your teeth won’t turn yellow and you won’t get shortness of breath or dizziness. One skill I have learned from D.A.R.E to help me make a healthy choice is to say no to any bad drug a person tries to give me. If saying no does not work then simply walk away. I am glad we have D.A.R.E. early so we can make good decisions in our life.

In D.A.R.E. I learned that it is illegal for anyone to drink under the age of 21. When people under the age of 21 drink alcohol the kids bodies and minds get affected and it makes it really hard for them to play sports or concentrate in school. Also alcohol mixed with medicine is the most dangerous of all, when you drink that, you could die or have serious body problems. The D.A.R.E. program this year has had a lot of impact on me because the book said that more than 400,000 people die from smoking each year. I felt shocked and scared when I read that.

D.A.R.E. this year has been very exiting. I learned many ways to stay away from drugs, and I learned why the drugs are bad for you too. I also learned the names of all sorts of drugs that are illegal, one of them is marijuana, also cigarettes, and tobacco are illegal for kids under the age of 21 to use. Thank you so much Officer Torry for coming in to our classroom every week and sharing your time, talent, and treasures, with us.

My PromiseI promise to myself and to Officer Torry that I will never smoke or do illegal drugs in my life, and I promise to stay healthy as a bee.


Brooke Taylor

I have learned that a lot of drugs can harm your body. I think the D.A.R.E. program will help us a lot when we get a little older. We need to be nice and strong when we say "no!" I think it is very important to stay drug free.

I am very happy we have D.A.R.E. If we had no D.A.R.E. then there would be a lot of people out there that do not know what is can do to your body. People be a lot more safe and will have a healthy and safe life.

I learned that it is important to not have drugs. They are very bad for you. It is really bad to your heart and really bad for other places too. If the drug is used right it can help you. Too much can kill you or most harm your body. We learned a lot in the D.A.R.E. program.

I will always make wise choices and always stay safe because of the D.A.R.E. program.

Dare Essay


The skills I learned in dare are what to do when someone asks you to do something. I also learned not to take anything from strangers.

I learned what the worst drugs are. I also learned what effects drugs have, and that drugs are bad. There are eight ways to say no. The word dare means drug abuse resistance education.

Making the right decisions will keep me healthy. Not taking anything from any body will keep me healthy. Dare helped me find ways to stay healthy and stay away from drugs.

I promise to never do drugs. I also promise to stay away from people who do drugs.

D.A.R.E. Essay


I learned many things from the D.A.R.E. program. The most important thing I learned is how avoid and resist drugs and violence. Those skills will help me a lot. I think that’s a very important skill in life.

There were many things I learned from the D.A.R.E. program. One thing is there are many ways to say no, one is just to walk away. Another thing I learned is the five peer pressures. They are heavy, friendly, teasing, positive, and indirect. Another thing I learned is that drugs can be good or bad to you. These are all very important skills to have. This was a very interesting program.

There are many things I learned. Most of the things I learned are how to refuse and avoid drugs and violence. Another thing I learned is how much affect drugs have on you and your body. Most of the other thing I learned was how to refuse drugs. I think these are very important to know.

I promise I will not wrongfully use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. I will use this power to also help my friends make a wise decision about drugs and alcohol. This is a pledge that I will help my friends and I make wise decisions about drugs and alcohol.



The skill I learned is to avoid drugs. This will make a better person and more healthy too.

I learned how to say "no" to people that offer drugs because they can hurt my body. Smoking is also bad for me. It can damage my lungs and give me cancer. I also learned that you can become addicted to drug which can affect my whole life. By going though the D.A.R.E Program I have learned how bad and dangerous drugs can be. I will never forget this information and will use it the rest of my life. Just remember to always say "no" to drugs.

I pledged to my parents to never use any kinds of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs ever because I respect my self and my body.

My Dare Essay


The DARE program teaches me how to say no to drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Don't smoke because it is bad for you. Alcohol is bad for you and your health. You should not take unnecessary drugs from other people.

If you smoke you will have black lungs. Also you will get a bad memory. Drunk driving is very dangerous because some one could get hurt. Smoking causes brain damage, addiction and is illegal.

Marijuana is illegal in the United States. Sometimes older people influence younger people. If the cops catch you drinking beer you will go to jail.

I will not take drugs. I will take a stand against drugs. When older kids ask me to drink I will say no. I will not listen to people who ask me to smoke. I will say no.

Dare Essay

Michael M.

I have learned a lot from D.A.R.E program. They have taught me too keep away from drugs. I also learned how to make healthy choices. I have learned a lot of important stuff in D.A.R.E.

I have learned many effects of drugs in dare. We have learned the effects of drugs because they want us to keep away from drugs. I used to think drugs were ok, but now that D.A.R.E showed me what drugs do to your body but now I think there is no point of drugs.

I can make better chooses now because of D.A.R.E. D.A.R.E taught me what drugs and violence do to people. D.A.R.E taught me about peer pressure so. Thank you D.A.R.E.

I promise to keep away from Cocaine, Marijuana, cigarettes and violence. I promise to make good choices.

My DARE Essay


I have learned so many things in the DARE program this year, and I am happy about that. I think the DARE program will help me make healthier decisions in my life.

I have learned a lot about illegal drugs, eight ways to say "No", what DARE means, and lots of other things about DARE. The drugs I have learned about this year are Tobacco, Marijuana, Alcohol, and Inhalants. I know that all four things can hurt your brain, mouth, throat, heart, liver, and other things in your body. But only three of those four things can hurt your lungs, and they are Tobacco, Marijuana, and Inhalants. Alcohol does not hurt your lungs. Another thing I know about DARE is eight ways to say "No". They are 1. Say "No Thanks". 2. Give a reason or an excuse. 3. Repeated refusal or keep saying "No". 4. Walk away. 5. Change the subject. 6. Avoid the situation. 7. Give the cold shoulder. 8. Strength in numbers. Those are the eight ways to say no that I learned about this year. Something else I learned in DARE is what DARE means. The D in DARE means Drug. A in DARE means Abuse. The R in DARE means Resistance. The E in DARE means Education. That is what DARE means.

I think I have learned about everything I need to know to stay drug free and to avoid violence. That is thanks to Officer Tory. Thank you Officer Torry for teaching me so much.

I will make my promise to each and everyone I knew in my life that I will not do any illegal drugs, and I promise I will stay out of violence. That is my Pledge statement to all of you.

DARE Bowling

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