Writing About Book Bowl


The Book Bowl Practice is very fun. My team is called the "Cavemen". We have won 3 tournaments. Two of them were double elimination tournaments. The other one was us against the "Energizer Bunnies". I am the captain of my team. The kids on my team are Jake, Shane, Tim, Paul, and Trevor. We are pretty good.

In Book Bowl each team gets 5 questions on 10 books. The books are Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, The Wanderer, Bridge to Terribithia, The Wishgiver, Birchbark House, Holes, The War With Grandpa, Stone Fox, Frindle, and Number The Stars. They are mostly interesting, but some are pretty boring.

My favorite book is The Wanderer. That’s all for now!

Knowing Things About Books
Brooke Taylor

Book Bowl is a game a knowing things. You need to know everything about the 10 books and authors. In book bowl practice it helps you know what book bowl is like. We all work together to answer the questions. I am the captain of the book bowl team this year. It is kind of hard to get every one right but we try our best. We have to read all ten of those books. We think that book bowl will be a lot of fun.

There are some rules you have to follow. You need to listen to your team well. It is not a rule, but do not talk too loud. You have to be careful when you are answering you must speak loud and clear. It doesn’t really matter if you lose because you do it for fun and that is ok. You can read and read all you want you will not ever know everything.

Book Bowl is a Competition

Book Bowl is a competition between all the schools in Manistee County. There are ten Book Bowl books, and I have read six of them. Each team has five questions they have to answer. My team has five people on it they are Nolan, Cameron, Ryan, Tommy, and me. We are the Energizer Bunnies and the other two teams are the Trout and the Cave Men. There are three teams in Mrs. Eldridge’s class, and there are two teams in Miss Bishops class.

The Book Bowl practices are really exiting. We lost the last one, but we can still win the tournament. We lost to the Cave Men in the last tournament. The Book Bowl books are kind of exciting. My favorite book is Holes.

Book Bowl Practice

My Book Bowl Team’s name is Trout. In the game you can’t talk out of turn or else you’ll get points taken off from your team. It’s double elimination. They ask you questions from books and you have to try to answer the question. You shouldn’t talk about the answer out loud with your group, or else the other group will hear you so you should whisper. If you and your group don’t know the answer just say you don’t know. You always have to compete against another team.

Each right answer is worth 5 or +3 points. You can only get 5 points is if you answer your question right. You can only get +3 if you have a rebounded question from the other team right. You get 30 seconds to answer the question. If you got the answer right and you have to be more specific, you get 30 more seconds. Every team tries to win and be champions. Book Bowl’s really fun.

Cave Men

The team I am on is called the Cave men. I think it is a very good team. I think that because in book bowl fun practice we are the book bowl champions. The other teams are the Energizer bunnies, and the trout. That is every thing about our team.

The rules of book bowl are simple. Who ever has the most points at the end of the game wins. For every one of your questions you get right you get 5+ points. For every question the other team doesn’t answer and you get their question right you get 3+ points. Also another rule of book bowl is to read all of the ten books. Those are the rules to playing right in book bowl.

Book Bowl is Fun

Book bowl is fun because you get to answer questions and other stuff like that. You also get to read books. That’s the best part of it.

For book bowl I’m the captain for my team. So far I read Harry Potter, Holes, Stone Fox, and right now I’m reading the Wanderer, and I’m almost done with the book. I can’t wait tell book bowl!

Getting Really Serious about Reading

For Book bowl our team is the Trout. Our team won three games and our captain is Brooke Taylor. We never won against the Energizer Bunnies or the Cavemen, but we did win against the Meteor Posses and the Meow Mix people. After we lost a couple games we started getting really serious. Then we started winning some games. I think we just needed to focus a little bit more.

I’ve read seven books so far and Stone Fox twice. I am reading the Wanderer for the second time too. All of the books are good books and I am planning to read all ten of them.

Book Bowl is at Kennedy

In 5th grade we get to be in a Quiz Bowl and a Book Bowl competition. Quiz Bowl we have here in Onekama, but Book Bowl is at Kennedy elementary. Book Bowl is where school chose a certain number of teams with 4 — 7 kids on each team. Onekama has 5 Book Bowl teams. Then they read ten Book Bowl books. The whole Manistee County will be involved. Book Bowl will be on May 6th.

My Team is called the Energizer Bunnies. The other two from my class are Trout and the Cave Men. In our class we have little practices and some times we will let the other class join. The Cave Men won that time. We came in 2nd. We play a double elimination like they do for the real Book Bowl. Some of the other times we will just have a tournament with just our class. That is what we are doing to day. I can’t wait till the real thing.

May 6 is Book Bowl

May 6, 2004 is Book Bowl. Our class has been practicing for it. When you get your question right you get five points. When it’s the other team’s question and they get it wrong but you get it right its three points. We wanted to have fun. I like when the other team doesn’t get the point.

I’m on the Energizer Bunnies team. We’ve read all the books. We have practices every Thursday.

Cavemen rule

In Book Bowl our team is the Cavemen (Cavemen rule). Book bowl practices have been going on since the beginning of March. We read books that are fictional. Book Bowl is a reading competition between schools

Book Bowl Teams

  • Cavemen: Duane, Jake, Tim, Paul, Shane, Trevor
  • Energizer Bunnies: Nolan, Tommy, Cameron, Alan, Ryan
  • Meow Mix: Yumi, Logan, Taylor, Nathan, Lexi, Ashlie
  • Trout: Brooke & Brooke, Maeve, Lauren, Malana, Ashley
  • Meteor Posse: Jeremy, Jessie, Jared, Matt, Travis

Harry learns about his unusual parents and enrolls in Hogwarts. This is also a Book Bowl Book.

Cody, Sophy & Bryan sail across the Atlantic. This is also a Book Bowl Book.

A year in the life of a Native American family. This is also a Book Bowl Book.

Written April 27 / Photographs Added May 3

Book Bowl Index Page for 2004

Fifth Grade Homepage for 2003-2004
