Christmas came to Mr. Mauntler's Crew.

In our classroom we made Christmas items and partied! Can you tell what we made from these pictures?

We watched the fourth grade play and then wrote about it. Here is what we wrote:

I thenk A Grand Christmas was a good play. It was about dolls that cam to life and went to the North Pole and tryd to get the choldreins grandparints back, but Santa could only do sum things and could not get thair grandparints back. But they came in the end. Claire

A Gramd Christmas is about a cupl children. They want thair grandparnts there for Christmis So thay wist thar selvs to the north pole. But Santa con't help at all. Natasha

They did not care for the toys. They cared about there Grandparents being there. I liked seeing Santa. ...Josh

The whole program showed two sisters wanted to celabrate Christmas with there grandpa and grandma. Sad that before Christmas they moved away. I liked the part when the elfs were working and the dog, cat, and toys apeared in Santa's workshop. So they asked the elfs to see Santa. Then one went to ask Santa. So they could give grandpa and grandma airline tickets so they can see the two girls and the parints. ...Haley M.

I like the part when Santa came out and also so waching the alvs working. ...Nicholas

My favorite part was when Santa came in and he was short. It was all about Christmas. I liked the part when the elfs are building the toys. I like the part when the grandma and grandpa ars so small. I like everything in the play. ...Kaitlin

I think A Grand Christmas was a good play. It was good because they all held hands and got in the Christmas Spirit. My favorite part was when the little girls asked if they could have the bikes they wanted. It was the goodest play I've ever seen in the hole wide world. My friend was good and so was everyone else. ...Brittany

A Grand Christmas is about girls woh want thar grandparents for Christmas. ...John

I liked when the toys made magic. The kids wanted thayr Grandparents to be with them on Christmas. ...Mitchel

I liked A Grand Christmas. My favriot part was when they went to go to see Santa. ...Brandon

In A Grand Christmas my favorite parts are when the toys arive at the North pole. When Santa comes out. When the toys come Alive. When the Childrens grandparents come out. ...Sam

The play cald a grand christmas was about some kid's that want there grandparent's. A few toy's try to help them. At the end the grandparent's show up on christmas day. Evrey body was happy at the end. Espeshiley the toy's. It was a great ending. ...Alex

The play is about 2 girls who want their grandparents there for Christmas. The girl dolls wanted to help so they went to see Santa. He could not do anything to help. On Christmas morning a miracle happened! The grandparents arrived. ...Ismael

I like the part when the dolls call the airport and ask if she can get a ticket for 35 cents. My other favrt part is when the grandparents came to the hows. I like the part when she sings and magic kames throw. I like Santa. I now know the santa was in the play. I like when the girls grandparents come to see the girls. ...Mikella

The Grand Christmas is cool. I like the part when they hold hands and sing a song then whyl they are singing all of the boys move the things for the play to the next sean. They come up at the North pole. They try to ask Santa and the elf for help. ...Lauren

I like the part win the girls sung the song. And the boys moved the disefu around the room. ...Justin

The play was fun. They did gud. ....Cameron

The best part of the play was the dolls. I liked the part when Santa came out. I really liked the play. I like the end where the grandparents came. ...No Name

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