Mrs. Eichberger’s First Grade Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 5, October 9, 2003


This week we explored the various uses of numbers and introduced the parts of the telephone number. We also identified where numbers were in our classroom and at home.

Next week we begin our unit of clocks and telling time!

Math Money

Every student must have the following coins by next Friday, October 17. Each student will need

  • 2 Quarters
  • 10 Dimes
  • 5 Nickels
  • 20 Pennies.

Please put these coins in a labeled Ziploc bag. These coins will stay in your child’s math tool kit for the remainder of the year. At the end of the year they will have opportunity to purchase an ice cream cone at the Boat Launch.


Our story of the week was the Chick and the Duckling. The chick mimics everything that the duck does. When the duck decides to go for a swim, the chick follows, and then soon realizes that he cannot. The duck saves the chick.

Guided Reading

Beginning this week, I have begun to listen to your child read independently. This will result in placing each student into guided reading groups.

Social Studies

We have been reading many stories pertaining to the Core Democratic Value; The Pursuit of Happiness. Each person can find happiness in their own way, as long as they do not step on the rights of others.


We will begin our recycling unit. Students will understand the importance of recycling and how it affects our environment. On October 23, we will be taking a field trip to "Food for Thought" a local company whose philosophy is based on reducing, reusing and recycling. Permission slips will be in next week’s Thursday folder. If you are interested in joining us, please call or email me.
889 - 9674 ext. 438

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