Mrs. Eichberger’s
First Grade Newsletter
February 5, 2004


Our story of the week was the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

Each student created their own book. Each page had to tell what they were doing on each day of the week.

Some of the titles included, The Very Busy Student, The Very Hungry Student, The Story of My Life, and The Learning Girl.


We have finally completed our pre-spelling tests. The test consisted of 63 words that all first graders should know by the end of the year. We will have our first spelling test next Friday, February 13. Please look for your child’s word list in next Thursday’s folder. Each spelling test is individualized.

Misspelled words will be taken from the test along with words that each student attempts to write in their assignments. I will keep on going record of your child’s spelling attempts.

“It’s Mine!” Play

Our play about sharing and fairness will be performed next week at 2:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Cast A will perform on Monday and Wednesday. Cast B will perform on Tuesday and Thursday.

Our flyer is the reverse side of this newsletter. Please call, send a note with your child, or email if you are able to come and on which day.


We began our number scrolls this week. Most students counted to 200 without any problem at all. Some students have a goal of writing their numbers to 500, others to 1000 and some over 1000! We also began addition facts. Students found addition-fact sums using dominos. Then, we figured out ways we could add in our heads without counting. This is called “fact power.” Fact power is the instant recall of sums of 1 digit numbers without stopping to figure them out! Having good fact power is like being a good reader. Reading is easier if you recognize many words without having to figure them out.

Valentine’s Day

Our class will have a Valentine’s Day note and card exchange on Friday, February 13th. We will be making our own “mailboxes” next week. Each child may bring in a note or card for their classmates. Attached to this newsletter is a list of students in our class. If you would like to bring juice or cookies, please send a note, email or call.  

889-9674 ext. 438


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