Mrs. Eichberger’s
First Grade Newsletter

February 12, 2004


This week’s story was A Color of his own by Leo Lionni. A young chameleon wished he had a color of his own, instead of always changing colors. Students wrote their own “chameleon comic strips.”

Science/Career Awareness

Mr. Feil spoke to our classroom about how paper was made in the paper factory. It was very fascinating to watch how paper and boxes came from trees! Thank you Mr. Feil for your sharing with us! Before he arrived we began making our own homemade paper. What fun it was! We will be making Valentines with the paper tomorrow.

Social Studies - Patriotism

Patriotism is the devotion to our country.

We have been talking about our president and what their job is all about. When asked of the student what they thought a president should do, here’s what some of them said…

They should help people.”

“They should have all people get along.”

“They should make sure everyone has enough to eat and a bed to sleep in.”

“They should make sure everyone is safe.”

Valentines Day Cards and Party

Our Valentines note and card exchange will take place. Some parents have contacted me about bringing food and drinks. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Each student is to bring one Valentine for everyone in the class. We have 21 students. A list of names when home in last weeks newsletter.

Math - Place Value

Most of us take our numeration system for granted, yet it is one of the most amazing of human inventions. Our numeration system makes it possible to represent any whole number or decimal, however large or small, by using one or more of the digits 0 through 9. It is possible because the value of any digit in a numeral is determined by its position in the numeral. This concept is very abstract to a first grader. The usage of base 10 blocks make easier understanding.


Thank you for coming to see our play. We had fun performing for you!  

889-9674 ext. 438


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