Mrs. Eichberger’s
First Grade Newsletter

December  18, 2003


Our stories this week were  Christmas in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  We compared and contrasted what Laura’s family did on Christmas to what we do with our families at Christmas time.


This week we were introduced to dimes and dollars and cents notation. We also practiced exchanging dimes, nickels and pennies. 

Social Studies

We were introduced to other December holidays. St. Nicholas Day on December 5,  celebrates St. Nicholas the saint of children. St. Lucia Day, a Swedish holiday celebrates the saint of light.  Hannukah celebrates a great miracle of light. 

Holiday Party

Our classroom holiday party will take place tomorrow, December 19 at 1:00 PM.  We will be decorating cookies, singing carols, and playing in the snow, (weather permitting.)  We are still in need of plain baked sugar or gingerbread cookies, and hot cocoa in thermal carafes.  We will also be having a book exchange.  Each child is asked to bring a wrapped book to exchange.  

Gifts to Parents

We have been busy making gifts for our parents the past couple of weeks.  Your child will be bringing home a wrapped hand-made present on Friday, December 19.  Have a happy and healthy holiday season! 

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