Ultimate Portagers: Nathan, Taylor, Yumi,
Jeremy, Captain Logan and Michael

Ward's Warriors, L to R: Tyler, Vinnie, McKenzie, Brianna, Owen

Portager Posse, back row L to R: Jake, Cam, Duane; front row L to R: Tommy, Ryan and Nolan

The Portagers are excited to be interviewed by Mr. Ken Grabowski of the Manistee News Advocate.

Mrs. Eldridge enjoyed her last Quiz Bowl. She said, "Onekama was in the first Elementary Quiz Bowl. I believe that was over 15 years ago. Originally it was run by the I.S.D. This year was one of the best 25 teams I've coached."

Main Quiz Bowl Page // March 3, 2004

Lauren was a great machinist!


We couldn't do it without our Machinists, Score Keepers and Runners.  Thanks for being such a big part of the team!