Onekama Elementary is Learning to Give

Third Grade: Mrs. Catanese


Young Fives Projects:
Mrs. Veryser

First & Second Grade: Mrs. Niederstadt

Fifth Grade Miss Bishop

Second Grade: Mr. Mauntler

I taught "Our Playful Community" in the fall this year. This spring I am teaching "A Seed Grows". 

Fourth Grade: Mrs. Brown

Kindergarten: Miss Schultz

Fifth Grade: Mrs. Eldridge

Fourth Grade Mrs. Bennett

Mrs. Graham says, "I will do a unit on poetry... it is called....The Poetry of Giving and I hope to do another called Through the Eyes of a Child on themes in children's literature.

Middle School Teachers are in their first "Learning to Give" year.

Art Teacher, Dana Woolman,  participated with Bonnie and Tracy in their latest philanthropy project. 


Mrs. McCarthy says, "Cress and I did School Diversity: Let's Deal with It. This spring Cress and I are teaching "Setting the Stage for Service Learning Relationships." 

I also did one with the 8th grade this fall -- Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

Mrs. Smith, Band Director

In the Beginning:

Some Projects from year 2:

School-Wide Service Learning

Mrs. Warman, Middle School Science

Elementary Homepage for 2003-2004