We Continue to Investigate Friction. This time we questioned whether using rollers would reduce the force needed to pull the book to the edge of the table.

First we attached 50 cm of masking tape to the desk

Next we looped the string through a paperback book.

We let the string hang off the desk and used a paper clip for attaching weights.

We recorded the number of weights needed to move the book to the edge of the desk.

Next we repeated the investigation using straws 2.5 cm apart and perpendicular to the tape.

We had predicted how many weights it would take to move the book BEFORE we tried.

After the trial we wrote the actual number of weights.

Rollers reduce the amount of force needed. ...Cody

It took more force to move two books. ...Anja

I predicted that rollers will move the books faster because wheels, tires and round things can reduce friction. ...Ethan

I think it will move faster with rollers. Rollers reduce friction. Pencils are rollers. ...Katie

Rollers reduce friction. Sometimes rollers are used to move large things. ... Katherine

On the table it took more weights because the table has a flat surface. When you put it on the rollers it's like a veicle with wheels so it didn't take as many weights to move the book. That's my investigation! ...Jordon

The books moved faster with rollers. Also you don't need as many weights if you have rollers. We needed more weights when it was just on the table. Also when there were more books we needed more weights. I think my group worked better then others because Jake and I did not fight or argue with each other. Also we could make decisions faster since there were only two people in my group. ...Elizabeth

It was pretty easy to estamate because with one book it took ten weights so we thought two books would take twenty. It took twenty three washers to make two books move. When the rollers came we estamated five for one book and we were right but it took five for one book and it also took five for two books. ...Chase

The two books on the table when the rollers were under it took only one more weight then the one book on the rollers. We acted like a real scientist team. We took turns and helped each other when we needed help. Thats how we acted in a team. ...Sherece

Rollers can be used as a machine. ...Thomas

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January 20, 2003 http://www.onekama.k12.mi.us