State the Problem: Will sugar dissolve faster in warm water or in cold water?

State your Hypothesis: I think the warm water will make it dissapear faster. ...Alex

I think the sugar cube will dissolve in warm water. I think if you put it in cold water nothing will happen. ...Haley

I think warm water because warm water melts sugar. ...Ricki

Our Procedure: We got two beakers of water, one hot and one cold. We put the sugar lumps in the glasses. We kept track of the time and saw which dissolved faster. ...Kailani

First we got a cup with hot water and then we got a cup with cold water. We took the temperature of the water in each glass. then we dropped a sugar cube in each class and made our observations. ...Joe F.


The sugar dissolved quicker in hot water than in cold. ...Ethan

The hot water melted the sugar quicker. I could experiment to see if stirring the sugar would make it dissolve even faster. ...Katherine

I was right, the sugar dissoved faster in the hot water. I could stur it to see if it would dissolve faster than just letting it sit there. ...Chase

The cube in the hot water dissolved faster than in the cold water. I think boiling water would make it go even quicker. ...Sherece

The conclusion was that I was right. The hot water dissolved the sugar faster. I think it would be nice to put the sugar in boiling water and really cold water. ...Orion


Thoughts on doing experiments: The exsperment was fun because everyone worked together. We worked together by not fighting and taking turns. ... Karl

I like doing the exsperiments because they take brains to think about the questions. I really liked the exsperiment when we put the vinegar in the bottle and put the baking soda in the bottle. ...David

I like doing these things because it's fun and you learn stuff that you might have not known. Even if you are doing experiments like dropping an ice cube in pop and watching it dissolve and turn into a liquid it's fun. It's fun to be a scientest sometimes. ...Alex

I think expirements are fun. They help you understand the process better. They also help you fill out lab sheets better and not have so many questions. ...Ashley S.

I like exsperments because time goes very fast. ...Brandon

Fifth Grade Homepage 2002-2003

Fifth Grade Science Index Page for 2002-2003

January 6, 2003