We are Packing our Wagons for the 2000 mile trip along the Oregon Trail.

Jump off day: April 15

At 5:00 this morning the guns got shot. Our family woke up and made bread and bacon for breakfast. We traveled half of a day and then we made a fire and had more bacon and bread. On we went from there. We ran into a herd of buffalo and shot one buffalo, but poor Karl got shot. …Ricki

My family is going west because the farm prices are low. We're leaving April 29, 1847. We hardly have enough money to support our land and plus we think the land in Oregon is better. We bought food and chickens. We also bought tools. We got our supplies from the general store. The food was sugar, flour, beans and cornmeal. The tools we got were axes, pick axes, guns, ammo, and a fishing rod. …Kevin

Today we got out on the trail. We bought tools, food and chickens at the genril store. The food we bought was bacon, flour, sugar, beans and cornmeal. The tools we got were guns, axes, a hatchet, a butcher knife and a hunting knife. …Joe K.

It was very difficult to make our fire. We had to use buffalo chips to make our fire. We kept the fire going all night. …Joe K.

I went to Oregon because our crops and meat couldn't sell. My family went because of a disease that was going around. I also went because more plants and more mountains. Finally we went so we can make money. That's why we went to Oregon. The travel routine is we get up. eat breakfast over a fire and start on the trail. Then we cook dinner and then it is bedtime. …Ryan

Mom and Pa are mending the horses and Mia and I are putting the fire together after rounding the wagons. We made bacon and beans for supper ….days after we had already lost a loved one from cholera and a boy got run over by the wagon. It smashed his head. …Chanel April 16, 1847

One night when I was doing the dishes my mom and dad came into the kitchen and tole me that we were going on the Oregon Trail. I was shocked. I asked if Crystal, Emalee, and Jared knew yet. The said no. My mom said, After I was done doing the dishes I was to pack my bag. We are going to get up at 3:30 AM and leave at 4:00. We would meet the rest of the town at 4:00 That night when I was packing my bag Emalee came over to ,y bed and asked why we were going to the Oregon Trail. I said because farm prices are low and there is slavery here and lots of business failure. I told her that we were leaving in the morning. ...Ashley S.

At night my Mom and dad said we were moving to Oregon. My mom said that we had to pack and leave. We needed to leave because some people were killing and stealing. They killed my sister. She was only 3 months old. On the trail my mother got sick and my brother died of allergys and my mom got better. My baby brother fell out, and I jumped out of the wagon and saved him just before he got crushed by the wagon wheel. Then I jumped back in and we didn't stop except to eat. …Zach

We were hunting lots for a long time. We shot 6 elk and 8 deer. I made a mistake of shooting and getting sprayed by a skunk. After we were done hunting we wanted to go fishing. We caught a catfish, a blue gill and a brook trout. Dinner was good. …David

One day my Ma and Pa said to my twin sister Mia and I that we were moving to Oregon. "Why," I asked them" They said that there are too many bad diseases in Missouri and in California there is a big gold rush. We would be moving on the Oregon Trail. I was scared. I have heard there are many dangers on the Oregon Trail. My sister Cleo is coming also. Any my baby brother Jim Bob will be born on the trail. …Kailani

Today we bout all the supplies needed then we went on the Oregon trail. For 8 days the same routine. Hunted, then the train, eat, sleep and then over again. …James

Yesterday we went to the store to get stuff for the trip. We got lots of every kind of medicine I could find. I got guns, axes, and a fishing rod so we would not have everybody starving to death. And I bought a lot of coffee and pots and pans. All of this cost about 85 dollars and 7 cents. This morning we headed out and let me tell you it is not easy to travel on the prairie. This morning it was hot, so it was not very easy hauling wood. …Alex

My family is going to Oregon because there is new crop lands and my family wants to start a new farm. I want to go because my sisters and I want adventure. We also want to travel the world and learn about different places. …Chanel

We started our Journey My sisters and I gathered wood and buffalo chips to start fires. We have a rain barrel to collect rainwater. All the rivers are polluted. There have been many deaths already. One little boy got run over by a wagon wheel. I must go. Mother is calling me for breakfast. Bacon again. …Kailani

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