Yes, Sir, That's My Turkey

First I made the feathers. It was fun. Then I made the body. I crumbled up the body. I put it in the front of our wall.

I made the feathers for the turkey. It was fun. It looked good and we made the body. We worked hard on it. I hung it up for Thanksgiving. ...Brandon

I made the turkey all by myself. I liked it because of the feathers on it. We cut them like a crayon. We scored it with scissors down the middle. Next I snipped the sides of the feathers. I liked my turkey. ...Lauren

When we put the head and the feet on, I liked it. We got to glue it on. We put it on our side wall in the living room. ,,,Levi

“I like it,” is what my mom said. Then she put it on the wall by my closet where we go get our winter stuff and jackets. I think she put it away with the Thanksgiving decorations. ...Nicholas

Our class made turkeys. We had fun. We made the feathers first. I liked it a lot. I took mine home and
hung it up on the refrigerator. It was fun making turkeys. It was a big job and we thought it was hard. I hopewe get to make another turkey again. ,,,Mikelle Lonsbury

My turkey is good. It was hard to carry it home. Then the eye came off and then I couldn’t get it back on. So I put the eye back on with my mom. Dad said, “I like that!” I hung it up in my room by my Michael Jordan posters. ...Bryson

Brittany had fun making a turkey.

My turkey is cool. I kept doing some things wrong and I kept on cutting into the head. The head was the hardest part because there was too many things to cut. I gave it to my Grandma Mac. She is in the hospital and she said, “Thank you.” She put it on her wall. ...Jordan

The turkey has feathers on it and a body. My turkey is cute. I made my turkey all by myself. This turkey isbig. I like my turkey. Brittany Humes likes my turkey and Lauren and Mikelle do. It wasn’t hard to carry home. My parents put it on the wall by the refrigerator. My parents like my turkey too. ...Brittany

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