Second Graders Learned from their Red Ribbon presentation.

There is poysen in sigrets. There is tar in sigrets. There is nicotine in sigrets. Your alveoli is small. Your lungs get black when you smoke. Your alveoli dies when you smoke. ...Annie Gr.2

Say no to drugs. Don't smoke. The alveoli is so small. Lungs get black. ...Bricely, Gr. 2

There is air in your lungs. There is 600,000,000 alveoli. Some drugs are good for you. There are poysins in sigrets. Drugs are bad for you. ...Elizabeth Gr. 2

There are 600,000,000 alveoli. There is tar in sigrits. There is nicotine in sigrits. Your lungs tarn black when you smoke. ... Christopher, Gr.2

Your body has 600,000,000 alveoli in your lungs. Cigarettes have tar, nicotine, and poisons. Your lungs will turn black is you smoke. ...Emily C. Gr.2

If we smok then our lungs will tern black. There nikuten in sugrrich. ..Hunter, Gr.2


What I Learned
Jacob B. Grade 2

  1. There is poisen in sigerets
  2. You neeed alveoli in your body
  3. Sigerets make tar in your body.
  4. You need air in your body.
  5. You need to take care of your lungs.
  6. You don't want to use sigerets.
  7. Aveoli is soo soo soo small.
  8. Say No To Drugs!

I learned that sigrets have poysin. Sigrets have tar. When you smoke your lungs trin black. ...Emily J., Gr 2

I lernd that your lungs will trn black if you smoke. ...Emalee S, Gr. 2

Nicotine tar tearn alveoli lungs black. ... MariMar, gr2

Don't drink owlckol. We have two lungs. You have to have air in the lungs. ...Sylvia, Gr 2

Sigeretts have posene in it. Smoking can tearn your lungs black. Your lungs have nicotine in it . Thair are 600,000, air bubuts in your alveoli. ...Quinn, grade 2

In sigrets theres tar. In your lungs theres alveolis. smocing make your boady black. ...Amy, grade 2

Lungs get black. It has tar. It has alveoli. ...Josh, grade 2

October 21-25, 2002
Arcadia Elementary School


I learned Not to smok. Not to do drugs. We have alveoli. There is tar in sigrates. If we smok our lungs will get sike. ...Sarah, gr.2

Sigrrats are posin. Sigrrats have tarr. You have two lungs. ... Austin G. Grade 2

I learned when you smok your lungs get black. Tar gets in your lungs. Thares posin in drugs. Nicotine in also in drugs. Your heart gets relly yucky. If you keep and keep smoking you might get a breating thing. ...Jessa, grade 2

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