Onekama Students participated in the Festival of Trees at the Briny Building in Manistee.

Onekama Elementary's Young Fives, Kindergarten, First and Fourth Grade Classes worked together on the

Children's Peace Tree

Each child colored their image and added their name.

Arcadia's Second and Third Grade Classes was Fashioned for the Children's Christmas Program .

Mrs. McCarthy's Middle Schoolers created a Patriotic Tree.

If you get a chance be sure to visit the Festival of Trees in the Briny Building this weekend. There is quite a variety and all well done. Take a look at the hard work put into Onekama's Trees! They are much better when seen in person!

NewLand School's Kindergarten through Fifth Grade worked together on this splendid tree.

Castles and Kites Children's Center contributed this imaginative tree.

Nov. 30-Dec. 2
Briny Building