Jacob, Justin & Ryan C. dressed for the Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail
by Nick

The Oregon Trail was very hard to live through. Many people died on the Oregon Trail from diseases such as cholera, and over heating. It took almost a year to get there and not many wagons made it all the way to Oregon. You had to buy a lot of food and clothing, guns also had to be bought to go hunting because you would have needed a way to hunt food if you ran out.

If you ever got to Oregon it was hard to buy a nice piece of land to live on. It was very expensive to buy good land. Many people had to live in junky houses because they did not have enough money. So for those people they didn’t get the great life they expected.


The Oregon Trail

Hi my name is Justin. Last week I became new here. My friends Ryan, and Jacob started a new game with me. Right now we’re in the second disk. One of our men died. He got shot four times.

Ryan M., Little Buddy Josh, Drew & Nick
Ryan & Nick are dressed for the Trail. The boys were reading Trail Journals and other boy books together.

Trail Index: Archive

Trail Index 2002

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