Third Graders collected food for the Food Pantry and experienced being part of helping and sharing their resources for the common good.

Five brought in soup ingredients. All 15 shared in the benefits of eating. They agreed that a little help goes a long way.

The first thing we did today was Mrs. Chris read us Stone Soup. We made soup and bread. We brout resources for the Food pantry so people can eat. We are sharing and giving to people. We received 15/5 of the food. We all did this for the common good. You use your resorses you share your resorses to help yoursesf and others for the common good. I learned sharing is better than nothing. ...Chris

All the Resources that 5 people broght in are good for 15 kids. Common Good means people that are sharing their Resources. I will receiv some soup and bread. I learned that if you work to gether you can make a big difrincane. I used your Resources to help me and others for the common good. ...Ryan

I think giving to the commin good is nice because you ar sharing. If you only bring in one thing you are helping 3 people. You use your recorses you share your resoses for comon good. That's what I learned today. ... Katilin

Today Mrs. Cris came in and read a book called Stone Soup. We learned about three diffrent words and they are, Common good, Sharing, Resources and thats all. Some people are very poor and we helped them by something called a Food Pantry. Its where a bunch of people bring cans of fruit and vegetables in. Mrs. Cris is going to take the food to the Food Pantry. You use your Resources to help yourself and others for the Common good. Jacob

5 people brot in food and 15 people get to eat it. I did 1/35. Mrs. Chris read us a Stone Suop story. We brout in food beacuse pore people need food. We brout in food because it's good for the pore people. You shar yor resorses you help your self and others. I learnd a good leason today. ... Zach

Mrs. Chris read us Stone Soup. We made stone soup. I brought in 5/35 can of food. We shared our resources. Sharing food with the poor is a good thing to do. We did common good. You use your resources to help yourself and others for the common good. I lurned a valubal lesson today. If you give a little bit it can make a big diffrence! ...Brooke

I shared resorses for the common good. I was 1/15 of the fraction that gave food for the common good. I receved Stone Soup and bread. I shared my recorces to help the common good. I learned to share. I gave a less amount, and it made a big difference. ...Tommy

Sharing is good to do. I brong 0/15. We all reseved soup and bread. Mrs. Chris shode us the comen good. You yous yor resorsis to help your sellf and others for the comen good. ...Jared

Common God means you share your Resources. And in Stone Soup all the people in the town gave Resources. ...Ashley

We wer sharing arur common good. We wr sharing with each oher. You use resources. We reciv a share. ..Tom F.

Today I helped with the comand Good and the food pantry by bringing 8 cans for the food pantry for pour people that don't have food. Mrs. Chris came to our class and read the story Stone Soup. You use your Resources. You share your resources. . ... Alexis

We are sharing ore resources for the food Pantry. Mis. Chris told us a story. I am glad that lots of people will get food. You share your resorses to help others. Mike

Mrs. Chris brot a boke and some ingrindins for the soop. And our class and Mrs. Catnesse class brought cans and boxes of food. And the booke. You share your food, and you youse your resources. ...

I would share with the common good. I love sharing with the common good. We had 35 resources. I give my stuff up to the army. You share your resources for your self and others for the common Good. ...Shane

February 15, 2002