We used a data work sheet to to put down how much trash we picked up. After that we weigh the four bags of trash. Next we made a chart so we could compare the data. Then we made a graph to organize the data. The graph shows there are more people that throw little stuff and less people that throw big stuff. I think litter bugs think that when you throw down little stuff you aren't littering. ...Katilin

Learning to Give

Third Grade Beach Sweep 2001

We picked up trash. Then we marked it down with tally's. After that we weighed four trash bags to compare the trash. Then we charted the amount of trash to organize the data. We added the data to create a bar graph and chart. We all think littering is bad, but some people think trash won't hurt the earth but it does. and nobody should litter not even you. ...by Chris

First we picked up trash. Second we picked up some trash then we put a tally on a data sheet. Then we wade the trash. It wade 48 pouns. We used a chart to organize the trash. Then we made a graph to compare the highs and the least articles of trash. The graph showed litter bugs throw the stuff mostly. I think litter bugs throw small stuff mostly. Litter bugs are rong. ...by Jared

49 pounds is a lot of trash!

This is the class chart listing the types of Trash. From left to right the 9 columns read: Food wrappers / cap lids / cigarettes / plastic bottles / glass bottles / straws / tapes / cloth / misc.

The students worked together to organize their data and project it on the screen.

We got 1 mile of trash and got back. We had a data sheet for marking tallies. We weighed two bags of trash and two metal pieces. We made a chart of the trash and the types of trash. We created a bar graph to compar the types of trash and amount of trash. Litter bugs don't know what a little piece of trash can do like food wrappers, ciggerite butts, and a cap, and lids. We had 49 lb. of trash. I think that litter bugs don't think a little piece of trash won't hurt nature because they say it's just a little thing and it will have no animals, no grass, no trees, no more us. ...by Tommy W.

The above Type 3 writing samples came from Mrs. Goins' class. The FCA's are:

  • 1. 5 sentences of the 5 steps
  • 2. Use 5 math words: data, organize, compare, +2 more
  • 3. Write your conclusion about littering
We picked up trash at Arcadia beach. We wrote how much trash we found on a talley sheet. We weighed 4 trash bags. We made a chart together and we put how much we found of everything toghether and we new how much we founed in all. If people litter it could kill animals. Litter bugs are bad because they litter and even though they think that there litter is so small doesn't mean no budy can see it. Litter bugs throw awy caplids, food wrappers and siggerat buts, and misc. ...by Ashley

October 2001
Arcadia School
