


















The Kindergarten students created a delightful
Angel Band. They sang "This Little Light of Mine"

Kindergarten Quotes

It was fun. I loved dancing! ...Crystal

My Papa video taped it for me so I get to watch it again!" ... Nisha

I didn't like to wear the angel wings. I liked the punch and cookies. ... Jordan

I thought it was pretty cool. I liked my halo! ...Sierra

I was glad all the parents were there. I thought my class sang really good. ...Haley

It was way cool! I thought everyone looked good in the wings. ...Levi

I liked to sing. I was actually shy for once. ...Bryson

It was cute. I accidentally only sang half of that part in "10 Little Angels". ...Cady

Kindergarten Quotes

I liked it because it was in the gym. I was happy that my family and grandma and grandpa came. ... Kaitlin

I was really nervous. It was nice. ... Mikelle

It was fun and I really liked the program. I liked that my cousin was there to watch me sing. ...Brittany

I got to see my grandma and my aunt. It made me really tired. I want to fall asleep! ...John Michael

I loved wearing the BIG angel wings. I also loved seeing Santa. ...David

My grandma and mom came to watch me. I screamed when Santa came into the gym! ...Sami Kay

Kindergarten Quotes

It was really good. I really liked our songs. ...Lauren

It was fun. I was really excited before the concert. ...Faith

My favorite part was wearing the angel wings. It was nice. ...Natasha

Ten Little Angels was my favorite part. I liked the cookies and punch the best, but my dad drank all my punch! ...Logan

I liked when the other kids were singing. It was good. ...Brandon

The cookies were really, really good! The program was really good. ...Samantha

It was fun and cool. I liked Santa Claus the best!...Mitchel

My favorite part was my brother coming. It was good. ...Nicholas

I liked the loud music. I liked the candy cane I got from Santa. ...Alexa

Christmas Index Page // Kindergarten Index Page // http://www.onekama.k12.mi.us/e2002