Caps for Sale

Readers Theater

Mrs. Catanese's Class had a great time preparing and presenting plays. This group, with the help of Mrs. Bentley, presented Caps for Sale.

Said Jake, "I thought it was fun wearing the caps. I had to hang on the the caps to keep them on my head."

Readers Theater

This group had a fun preparing and presenting The Lions in the Night.

According to Gus, "Building the castle and getting ready to do the play was fun. It took a lot of time to memorize the words."

Said Antionette, "The play was good because we got to make costumes and the set before we did the play for the class."

Readers Theater

This group worked together to presentThe Teeny Tiny Woman.

Angela noted, "The best part was acting it out wearing our costumes."

For more, check out Writing Fairy Tales

Readers Theater

This group worked presented T'was the Night Before Christmas.

Cody was quoted as saying, "It was fun because it was different from reading out of the book and the audience would listen to you.