Mr. Colin Bergel wrote Mail by the Pail. It is a goood book. I liked the letter that the character wrote in the story. The book took six drafts. He had red marks all over his first three drafts. Some of the illustrations had to be changed or weren't used. Mark Koenig is my dad and he is the illustrator of Mail by the Pail. My dad code not make it today, but I am still proud of my dad. I love you dad. ...Zac

The aother Colin Bergel visided Our school today. He said being an aother is grate. He said he had riten other books and he only published one book so far. The books name is Mail by the Pail. My favirit part was when he told us how long it took to rit the book. ...Ashley

...My favorite part was when He showed the movie about how mail by the pail actuly worked. ... Kevin

He had red marks all over his first three drafts. Some of the illustration had to be changed or weren't used. My favret part is the illustrasuns. ...Brandon

Mr. Colin Bergel made the story Mail by the Pail. The book took six drafts. He had red marks all over his first three drafts. The author is a first mate on the S.S. Buckeye. My favorite part is how it talked about how people on a big boat get their mail. ...Ethan

Mr. Colin Bergel came to our school today at Arcadia Elamentry. He is the athur of Mail by the Pail and he drives the S.S. Buckeye, cool! It took Colin two and a half years to write the story, but it took three more years to publish it.
My best part was when he signed my book. ...Cody

The author works on a boat called the S.S.Buckeye. My favorite thing was watching the movie when they were unloading the mail onto the S.S. Buckeye. Mr. Bergel is a first mate on the S.S. Buckeye. Mr. Bergel was very very nice. ...Danny

Mr. Bergel showed us the red marks on his draft copies.

I learned that Mr.Colin Bergel is an author. The book he wrote is a very interesting book. My favorite part of the book is when he shoud us a movie and red us the book. He had red marks all over his first three drafts from his editor. Some of the illustrations had to be changed or weren't used. ...Matt

Mr. Bergel visited are school today. He made a book called Mail By The Pail. I learnd that when you make a book you have to do lots of ruph drafts. My favorit part was when we saw the vido. ... He had red marks on his first three drafts because the person how checkd it thoat it was not right. ...Katie

Mr. Colin Bergel came to our school today. He is the author of Mail By the Pail. The book took six drafts. He is the first mate on the S.S. Buckeye. It took Mr. Bergel two and a half years to write the story but five years to do the whol thing. He had red marks all over his first three drafts. I liked when Mary the character in the story wrote to her dad and made him a nice birthday card. ...Kylie

We compared the original art by Mr. Koenig with the art in the book.

Mr. Colin Bergel came to our school. I learned that when you think of a book and you write it down it will take a lot of drafts. It took Mr. Colin Berget two and a half years to write Mail by the Pail and three more years to publish it. My favorite part was when he was answering qustins. ...Joe

NOTE: The writings printed on this page are "type 1" comments by the third graders. They wrote their comments following the presentation.

...I learned how to right a book today. Wate you do is right it and give it in. But it may take you five or six times. name

...What I wrote made me feel like writiing my own book. name

...I lernd that it takes a long time to get it rite. It toke six times to get it rite. My favorite part was when it shoud the mail boat coming up beside the freighter. name

January 26, 2001 / Mrs. Goins HomePage