Our class had an experiment. The whole class had two cups. A blue one and a Christmas one. Our teacher had three jugs of kool-aid. One had two scoops, one had four or five scoops, and one with 6 scoops. The jug with two scoops tasted weak and that was dilute. The jug with six scoops tasted sugary and good. That was concentrated . The jug with four scoops was ok. That was our experamint................. Alyssa

I learned today about dilute, concentrated and dilute. We did an scientifical experiment and used Kool aid. Two scoops was for dilute and six scoops was for concentrated. I think the dilute was very waterie and the concentrated was perfect. ...Taylor

I learned that dilute tasted watery and had no taste to me. The concentrated was sweet and good but I thought that it was heavy. If you mixed it just perfect it would taste better. We found out that if you stirred it, then it would dissolve. ...Carmen

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December, 2000