Mary earned 255.3 points. That's the highest since we began keeping records in fifth grade!

Congratulations to the

eleven students who earned
over 100 Accelerated Reader points
during their fifth grade year.

Alex earned a whopping 219 points for second place.

Ryan started late, but he read night and day trying to get into the top 10. Every time we looked at the computer, there was Ryan taking another test! He ended the year with 215 points.

Nathan earned 215 points

Josh earned 172 points. He and Nathan made their way through all four Harry Potter books and were deeply into Tolkien when the school year ended.

Clyve had a total of 158 points

David turned out to be quite the reader. He ended up with 137 points. The class will miss David next year. His family is moving to the other side of the state. We hope to hear from David.

Carmen came up with 131 points. She discovered a lot of great books in her quest to earn over 100 points in fifth grade.

The final count gave Tony 110 points.

Zach plans to continue reading all summer. He ended the school year with 100 points.

Alyssa is wearing her Badger hat. Are those the books you plan to read this summer, Alyssa? Alyssa totaled 103 points in fifth grade.