Miss Welsh's Second Graders Writes About Making Empty Bowl
(type 1 writing)

When we made the empty bowls we had clay after we had to put it into a shape of a bowl. Than we made denzins. I made lots of buterflys. than we glased them. ...Brittany

We stared with claey and maed a ball. With the ball we siked our in the ball of claey and ternd it. When we were dun with that we haed more claey. With the claey we maed a long line and with the line we maed our foot. When our boll was cooked we glasd it with thery cues of colors. ...Kelly

When we were makeing the empty bowls, we had to take the big ball of clay and put our thub in it and go aroad the eges. We took a piec of the small one and rooll it in a snack and put it on the edge. ...Jena

I pute duckraton on it. I mix colors. There is something to make it stand. It is really colorful. It has D.S. on it. ...David

When we made our bowls we tuck a big peac of clay. We tor a littl peac off. The big peac we rold into a ball and we put are thum in the midl. Then we pinched the sides. Then we decorated them. ... Joe

Art Index page

I tock some clay and brock it into two pesis. Then i tok the big pese and I pot my thome in it and pincht it. I took the smaller pese and made it like a swrle. I pot them together. Then I glased it. In the frnis. ...Rebecca

It was a lot of fun. I made if for the Empty bowl dinner! I did not glase it because I was in florda! My bowl was small. It was made out of clay. Ther was big ones and small ones. ...Moriah

I didn't make a bawl because I was in Indeanapolis. I did get to pant it. I panted it red, blue and green. ... Parker

I made a bowl. The bowl was for a dinner. My bowl is very small. The colors of my bowl are blue, purple, and yellow. It was fun makeing them. My bowl is about 2 inches. ...Miranda

I glasd my bowl. It is made out of clay. I put rings on the botm. I put cracs in it. ... Michael

This is how we made our emtey bowls, first we made them, then we patined them, then we glaved them and they truned out really good and we put them at the show. ...Bryce

Empty Bowl Index Page

February 25, 2003 the bowls were sold at the Empty Bowl Dinner to benefit Ed Hommer's High Exposure Foundation.
