Onekama School's Mini-Relay for Life

I walked 30 times the gym because I wanted to not have lung cancer. I want to be healthy so I won't smoke.  …Todd

We do Relay for Life to raise money to find a cure for cancer. My Dad and Aunt had cancer before, but not anymore. …Ryan

We went into the gym and walked in the mini-Relay for Life. I thought it was good because it was fun and you were doing it for the Common Good. …Lexi

I liked doing the mini-Relay for Life. The money raised will go to the Cancer Society. It was really fun.  …Cam

Today we walked in the Relay for Life and we bought bags to represent the people who died. When my dad had cancer my mother made 1000 paper cranes and he was cured. …Yumi

We did the Relay for Life to raise money for research on the cure for cancer. I walked 67 laps because I didn't stop. I thought it was for a good cause. …Duane

We did a mini Relay for Life today. Relay for life happens every year to raise money. They raise the money for people with cancer. …Nolan

We walked around the gym to help find a cure for lung cancer. We went around and asked people to donate money for footprints and baskets. That money will go to help fight cancer.  …Taylor

My sister walked with me and also Anna. I walked 33 laps around the gym. My sister and I earned money to fight cancer.  Jared

The Relay for Life is raising money to cure cancer. That makes me feel good. …Jake

I had fun at Relay for Life. One reason is because they are raising money. Another is because I like to walk. …Malana

Funds Raised:

Relay for Life: $1159.44

Empty Bowl Dinner: $411.75

Total donated to the American Cancer Society: $1571.10

Relay for Life is about cancer. Our school raised $950. We walked around the gym. We walked for a half hour. I walked with my cousin Josh. There was music on. I had lots of fun. ...Chris, grade 3

We did Relay for Life for the cancer society. The school collected about $900 dollars. We walked for 30 minutes. I walked with Sarah in the gym. She had to get a refill of lemonade every time we went around! I think it was important to help the cancer society. It was really fun. ...Elizabeth, grade 3

On Friday we were walking to show we care for the Relay for Life. Our school raised $950. We walked and paid money for the people who have cancer. We paid 5 dollars for a bag and 1 dollar for a foot. I was stopping for drinks. We helped people with cancer. ...Sarah, grade 3

Onekama School's Mini-Relay for Life
April 16, 2004

The Relay for Life was really fun. We did it because we wanted to help the people with cancer and things that can harm your body. …Brooke Taylor

I like walking. It was fun. We were doing it to help fight cancer. I didn't stop once. …Tim

The Relay for life was nice although my legs started hurting. We did it to fight cancer. …Ashley

I am glad I am cancer free. I had an uncle with lung cancer and he died. …Logan

The Relay for Life was fun. We got to walk around the gym for about 20 minutes. …Alan

Onekama School Mini-Relay for Life

April 16, 2004

Fourth Grade Page

  • Funds Raised:

  • Relay for Life: $1159.44

  • Empty Bowl Dinner: $411.75

  • Total donated to the American Cancer Society: $1571.10


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