Fun with Apples!

The class made apple coloring books.

They had to color apples red, green, and yellow.

When they were finished, they practiced reading their books.


Red apples, green apples, yellow apples, blue apples?

Red apples mmm, green apples mmm, yellow apples mmm, blue apples YUCK!

Brandin is amazed that this thing can peel an apple so fast.

Ethan peels his apple.

Lacee and Courtney smash up the cooked apples.

We put all the apples in the food processor, then added sugar and cinnamon to finish our apple sauce.

The class saw that we had more red apples.

We used our big floor graph to see what color we had the most of.

Ethan colors in a yellow box.

We graphed our favorite tasting apple.

The red table tastes their red apples.

Emma thought the yellow apples tasted sweet.

Jack tastes a red apple.