Johnny's Wildlife Park

The Young 5's class went to Johnny's Wildlife Park in Cadillac for their end of the year field trip. The kindergarten classes went with us. The kids saw many different kinds of animals: goats, ducks, peacocks, deer, buffalos, cows, racoons, donkeys, fish, pheasants, kittens, and many more. After visiting the animals, the classes went to Kenowa park in Cadillac where they picniced and played on the playground.

Gary pets the goat.

Mitchel, Natasha, and Meghan check out the peacock.

The peacock kept opening up it's feathers for the kids to see.

This buffalo's name was Clamidy Jane.

The kids enjoyed the donkey too.

We could feed the deer out of our hands.

Nicholas gives one of the baby goats a bottle with some help from his dad.

This mommy duck had babies not too long ago.

Alex and Mitchel go down the slide together at Kenowa Park.

Nicholas likes the climbing structure.

Check out our class picture below!!


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Young Five's Class of 2000-2001

Levi, John Michael, Meghan, Mekennzee, Alyssa, Natasha, Gary, Alex, Mitchel, and Nicholas