Letter of the Week

A is for Apples.

We learned about apples, the letter a, and did acrobatics during gym time.  The children ate applesauce and drank apple juice for snack.  We made apple prints for an art project.

B is for Butterfly.

Our caterpillars hatched into butterflies this week!  We ate blueberries, bananas, and bread for snacks.  We made butterflies for an art project and practiced the letter B.  In gym we played basketball.


C is for Caterpillar

We made caterpillars for an art project.  We ate lots of cookies for snack!  We learned how to make the letter c and the sounds it says.  In gym we practiced doing cartwheels on the mats!


D is for Dog

We read Harry the Dirty Dog and made dogs for an art project.  We ate Donuts for a snack.  We learned the sounds D makes and played Dodge ball in gym.  We dressed up, played the drums, and made lots of drawings.

E is for Exercise

We have done lots of exercises this week!  We learned about recycling and taking care of the Earth.  We practiced making E's.  We read Green Eggs and Ham, then made and ate green eggs!  We tried egg rolls and egg drop soup.  Our favorite was Elephant Ear Cookies!

F is for Fun

We learned to play football in the gym.  We talked about our families and our friends.  We learned the 5 green speckled frogs and made frogs out of paint.  We talked about Fire Safety and the numbers 4 and 5.

G is for Groceries

We walked down to Franz Market and bought groceries that started with the letter G.  We bought a green apple, grapefruit, gummy bears, gummy worms, granola bars, and grape juice.  We will eat these for snack this week.  We read Planting a Garden and made guitars.  We also learned how to make green by mixing blue and yellow together.

H is for home

We drew pictures of our houses and talked about how houses are different.  We played hockey in gym and have also been learning how to Hoola Hoop.  We colored pictures of people with different hair colors.  We punched holes into a giant H.  We learned how to make hearts and also learned the nursery rhyme, Hey Diddle Diddle.  We've had a lot of fun singing "If you're happy and you know it" and doing the "Hokey Pokey".

I is for Ice Cream

We will learn about ourselves this week for I and how we are each special.  During science we will talk about different insects.  We will have ice-cream for snack one day.  We will make igloos and ice.