May 3, 1999

Today we made kazoos to practice our graduation songs with. We are going to practice them everyday so we'll know them really well! We made something special for our mommies today. It is very nice out so we went outside for another recess right before we went home!

May 4, 1999

Today we learned about the letter D. We are starting to practice our graduation songs. We will be doing this everyday till graduation. We had music in the afternoon and then worked more on our mother's day gifts.

May 5, 1999

We made kites this morning during our art time with Mrs. Bromley's class. After recess we went to the gym with all the kids in the elementary to school to exercise. Everyone in the state and country were exercising at the same time, 10am for 15 minutes! We had a lot of fun! In the afternoon we finished our gifts and had library.

May 6, 1999

Today we learned how to read some new words. We can now read: I, Go, go, To, to, A, and a. The kids are really doing great! We continue to practice our graduation songs and we finished our mom's presents. We had center time in the afternoon and practice telling time.

May 7, 1999

Today we made birdfeeders with the kindergarten and first grade classes. We spread peanut butter onto bread and sprinkled it with bird seed. We used cookie cutters to make the bread different shapes. We also rolled pinecones in peanut butter and bird seed. We hung them on the new tree in the courtyard for the birds.

May 10, 1999

This morning we sorted all the letter boxes. There are 13 of them! It took us a long time to do but everyone did a great job! We are doing a good job with our graduation songs too! In the afternoon we made more patterns with our pattern blocks. We traced them and colored them. Mrs. Veryser is going to laminate them and the kids next year can use them.

May 11, 1999

This morning we started a new reading unit, "Dogger". We talked about our favorite things and made pictures of them. We had music today. We also had to eat in the lunch room because there was a blood drive in the lunch room.

May 12, 1999

During our art time we made pinwheels from paper and straws. They were hard but we did a good job. It was a rainy day so we had to stay inside for our recesses. We did an activity with measuring during math time. We had library at the end of the day.

May 13, 1999

Today we talked about the letters A, Q, V, and X during reading time. We are getting really good at our graduation songs! In the afternoon Mrs. Veryser took us down to Shaker's and bought us ice-cream cones. We then went to the park and played. It was a fun day!

May 14, 1999

Friday's are always so busy! This morning we made paper tulips with Mrs. Bromley's class during our art time. After recess we practiced our songs and did a time worksheet. We are really good at telling time! After lunch we drew pictures of ourselves for the wall and Mrs. Veryser measured us again. We have all grown this year. We had PE and computers in the afternoon.

May 17, 1999

This morning we worked with the number 19. Then we had gym. It is rainy today so we had to stay inside for recess. We used the geoboards today also. We had to make letters on it that are in our names. Some of them were hard to do.

May 18, 1999



















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