We visited Dr. Bobian's Dentist Office in Manistee

On Friday, March 17th, the DK classes took a field trip to Dr. Bobian's office in Manistee. Dental hygienist, Sophie Engstrom, showed the kids all the tools she and the dentist uses. They each had a chance to sit in the chair while Sophie painted their teeth pink. The kids then rinsed their mouths and the remaining pink was "sugar bugs" still on their teeth.

They then took a toothbrush and brushed off the sugar bugs. The classes watched 2 videos about visiting the dentist office, saw how an x-ray worked, and received a bag full of the necessary things to keep their teeth clean and healthy. Thank you Sophie for allowing us to come visit!


Chris closes down as the suction takes the water out of his mouth.

Thomas likes getting water squirted in his mouth.

Forrest wonders what Sophie is doing in there.

Quinn relaxes before getting his teeth painted.

Joseph shows off his white teeth.

Parker waits to have his teeth painted.

Sophie shows the morning kids what an x-ray looks like.

Sophie with the AM group (and her son David).

Austin opens wide.

Emalee relaxes as Sophie gets out the rest of the sugar bugs.

Sophie with the PM DK group
(and her son David). -->