Holiday Gathering 2002

Leaps & Bounds and Four Stars children participated in a performance at the Holiday Gathering on December 12th.  There were many parents and grandparents in attendance.  Santa and Mrs. Clause made a surprise appearance to make the night even more special.  The children did a fantastic job!

A is for Angel. 

B is for Bringing presents.

E is for Elves.

G is for the Grinch that stole the Gifts.


  H is for Holly (G is also for a Grumpy Grinch).

O is for Ornament and R is for Reindeer.

Y is for Yawn (or sucking a thumb).

U is for Unwrapping presents.

The kids sang "Jingle Bells".

The also sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

Santa and Mrs. Clause made a surprise visit.  He had many children sitting on his lap telling him what they wanted for Christmas.

Colleen isn't afraid of Santa.

Mrs. Clause even had people on her lap.


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These girls enjoyed the party!